Page 44 of Beyond Friendship

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I clear my throat and say calmly, “Thanks for the offer, but I’m not available.”

My response doesn’t seem to faze her as she leans closer to me with a coy expression and asks, “Are you married?”

My gaze remains on hers as I answer honestly, “Yes. I’m committed to this establishment.”

“So you’re single?” the brunette next to me asks next.

All five women await a response. I give them a curt head shake, not wanting to lead them on any further. “No, I’m taken.”

The bride giggles. “Told you so.”

The red-haired girl pouts in response. “Are you sure about that?”

I give her a nod. “Absolutely sure.”

The girls ask if they can take a picture with me to share on their Instagram accounts.

I nod and feel the women closing in around me as I stand, with each trying to grab my attention. The brazen redhead slides herself up against me and wraps her arm tightly around my waist. I used to bask in this kind of attention and anticipate a night of fun. But now? Now it feels like a noose around my neck, stifling the life out of me. Clarity suddenly hits me as I recognize that I’m not the same person I used to be. My mind is flooded with questions. What kind of life do I want to live? Having come face to face with my own mortality, I know I should focus on what matters in life and seek out the people and things that bring me joy. And one-night stands don’t do that.

Just as these thoughts cross my mind, my gaze shifts and falls on Amanda standing a few feet away. Her attire ignites a flame inside me that I struggle to keep contained. The tight leather skirt she’s wearing hugs her curves in all the right places, and the sheer black top draws the attention of every person in the area. Damn, she looks fabulous.

The bride on my left holds up her phone to take a photo, but there’s no way we can all fit into the frame.

“Let me help you,” Amanda says.

“Oh, thank you,” the bride exclaims with a brilliant smile as she passes Amanda the phone. The girls crowd around me and Amanda points the camera.

After taking a few snapshots, she hands the device back to the girls and all of them part from my side except the red-haired one. To my surprise, she gives me a kiss on my cheek and murmurs, “If you change your mind, you know where to find me, hot stuff.”

I step back and give them a professional smile. “It was lovely to meet you. Have a great night, ladies.”

When I see Amanda walking away, I scoop up the tray from the table and give a quick wave to the ladies before scampering after Amanda.

I catch her near the bar area and touch her wrist to get her attention.

“Hey. What brings you here tonight?”

She waves her free hand in a flustered manner. “Oh, nothing, I had something to tell you, but it can wait. You’re busy—”

It’s been over a week since I saw her. And she’s been on my mind a lot. She looks stunning, and I’m beyond curious to know what she wants to tell me.

“Amanda,” I say in a firmer tone. “What’s up?”

She shifts her weight and shrugs. “All guests responded to the RSVP. Everyone is coming. It will be a full house. I thought I’d let you know.”

I smile, understanding the satisfaction that comes with success.

“That’s incredible. Congratulations.”

“Yeah. You never know if anyone is actually interested.”

I arch an eyebrow, surprised she felt worried. “A night of watching gorgeous women strut down the catwalk in lingerie? How could you think that wouldn’t sell out? Every invited man would be foolish not to attend, and every woman is curious and excited to see the latest line from this exclusive brand.”

The hesitation that lingered in her brown irises evaporates and when her lips curve into a wide smile, I smile back at her. “Every employee came over to me and volunteered to work that night. Come on, this asks for a drink to celebrate,” I say, pointing to the bar.

We approach Darius, who smiles when he sees us. “Hey, Amanda. How are you?”

“Good, thanks.”
