Page 51 of Beyond Friendship

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“Okay, ladies. Pay attention. This is Brian, the owner of Six-pack,” I say, pointing Brian’s way.

Ten pairs of eyes slide over him, each one shooting him something that he’s grown so used to—lustful gazes.

Brian smiles. “Glad you all could make it. I hope you have a wonderful time here. If there are any issues or questions, come find either me or Darius.”

“Are you single?”

I whip my head to the tall blond woman standing next to me. Irritation floods me as she undresses him with her gaze. The glint in her eyes indicates she’s used to getting what she wants.

“That’s not what Mr. Fox meant,” I say in a no-nonsense tone. “Let’s keep it professional. I’m not against flirting, but save it for your free time.”

Brian and I lock eyes. His intense gaze and smug grin mess with my head and heart.Friend and business partner, I remind myself, but my body disagrees. This is going to be a long day.



With ten minutes to go until the event begins, I’m behind the catwalk curtains, searching for Amanda to give her some good luck. The level of anticipation and curiosity in the air infects every person in this building as it swirls around like a rampant virus. Working with Amanda these past weeks has been a constant struggle between me wanting to help her as a friend and business partner, and my growing desire for her. God, I almost kissed her at Venus. My heart races as I battle with an inner turmoil. On one hand, I’m thankful that Alisha had the impeccable timing to prevent me from succumbing to the temptation. On the other, I’m left agonizing, knowing if she didn’t come in, I would finally know how it would feel to have her supple lips pressed against mine.

But I guess it’s better this way and I thought I had myself under control since then, but today in the dressing room was almost too much for me to handle. Once I pulled out that black set, my mind couldn’t stop imagining her in it. My rational side whispered ‘no,’ but my emotions screamed ‘give in,’ and I did by flirting with her. Thank God Darius interrupted, otherwise I would have asked what she was wearing underneath her outfit.What the hell am I doing?My reasons for keeping my distance have become hazy over the past weeks, leaving me vulnerable to my inner desires taking over.Would it be that bad?

Maybe if we just let ourselves go one night, the flame would die down and we’d be able to see this thing between us is nothing but lust.No, not a good idea, or maybe. God, I’m teetering on a tightrope.

Passing Alisha and hearing her go over the details with the models in a tone that says don’t mess with me makes me grin. That woman can be bossy as hell, but it’s just what her grumpy husband loves and needs. I find Amanda standing a few feet away. She’s holding a mic in one hand while bouncing on her feet and looking at her wristwatch every few times.

I stop beside her. “Ready?”

She turns to me and my mouth goes dry when I admire the front of her form-fitting dress. Its low-cut cleavage with the wide lace details—classy and sexy as hell. I’m ready to throw out all my reasons for not acting on my desire and reach out and touch the skin between her breasts with my hands and lips.Fuck.“Well, I doubt anyone will even see the models tonight.”

“Why, what’s wrong?” She turns and glances at the ladies in lingerie, checking for any problems.

I chuckle, realizing she’s oblivious to how stunning she looks. She deserves to know. So I lean in and whisper near her ear, “Relax, Brownie. Nothing’s wrong with them. What I tried to say discreetly,” I hum, “is that you’re so fucking hot that every man will have his eyes on you instead of the models.”

She spins back to me with a hooded gaze, causing my cock to stir as she bites down on her glossy bottom lip.

“Thank you.”

She breaks eye contact and peeks past the black screen in the room.

“It’s packed,” she says, her voice filled with pride.

“Yeah, the turn-up is amazing. How are you feeling?”

She lets out a chuckle. “Oh, you don’t want to know.”

“Yes, I do.”

She holds up her free hand, and I notice the slight tremor.

“Being nervous isn’t bad,” I remind her. “It just means something big is going to happen. You’re going to nail this, Amanda.”

“Thank you. Without your help, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

I shake my head. “Maybe not here, but I have no doubt you’d make it happen somehow because you are Amanda Brown, resourceful and determined.”

She catches me off guard by wrapping her arms around me, and I freeze for a moment before sinking into her embrace. I pull her against my chest and inhale the sweet aroma of her perfume radiating from her body. Her breath tickles the side of my neck, sending shivers down my spine as the fire in my veins intensifies with each exhale. My cock stirs at the thought of what could be. I close my eyes to savor the warmth of this moment until an unwelcome voice brings me back to reality.

“Excuse me, Mr. Fox? I have a little emergency.”
