Page 6 of Beyond Friendship

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“No, I promised you a ride home, so—”

“Let me,” I interrupt without hesitation. “I’ll drive Amanda back. You have fun.”

He looks from her to me, his eyes narrowing. “You’re sure?”

“Yup, had one drink hours ago, so I’m able to drive. She’ll get home safe.”

“No funny business with my sister, understood?” When I nod, a relieved smile etches over his lips. “Thanks, man.”

“No problem.”

As soon as we step out into the night, Amanda turns facing me. “No need to go out of your way. There’s a cab—”

“No way.” My voice is stern as I cut her off. “You’re coming with me.”

Without further protestations, we hop into my car and speed off.

“Nick’s place, I assume?”

She nods with an air of resignation. “Yeah, for the next two weeks—then I can move into my own place.”

We zip through the night in silence. The slight movements she makes are magnified in this moment, like when I watch from the corner of my eye as she leans forward and removes one of her shoes with a sigh of relief, wiggling her toes with blissful pleasure.

“Maybe next time wear flats when going out?” I suggest casually.

Her brown eyes shift my way. “Not a chance. They’re an essential part of this outfit—no pain, no gain.”

I ask curiously, “And what is the gain?”

A devilish grin teases the corner of her lips as she says, “Having a good-looking lifted ass!”

We both chuckle and continue on our journey.

“So what kind of movies do you like?” she asks out of the blue.

I shrug. “Mainly action films and Marvel stuff.”

She shakes her head and grins. “No surprise there. Who is your favorite superhero?”

The words leave my mouth before I can even think twice about it. “I love Wonder Woman.”

Amanda’s eyes light up as she sees my embarrassment for confessing to having a ‘crush’ on the character. “Oh, really? Like the one played by Gal Gadot?”

I nod and add with a smirk, “You could totally pull off her look for Halloween.”

She laughs again.

As we pull up to Nick’s, I switch off the engine. “Well, guess I’ll see you around then.”

She twists toward me. “I suppose so.”

Her warm brown irises penetrate my soul, and everything inside me screams to do more than gaze upon each other, yet I can’t take action.

My gaze drifts to her mouth as she tugs at her lower lip.

“Too bad you’re his best friend because honestly, I haven’t felt this gravitational pull before.”

With that said, she steps out of the car without looking back, striding gracefully toward the entrance.
