Page 61 of Beyond Friendship

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Crumbs go flying as Nick chokes on his bite. I hand him my water and he stares at me over the rim as he drinks from it. “Don’t ever say that again.”

“You asked for the truth,” I grin, nudging him playfully. “Don’t act like you didn’t have your own wild weekend with Emma.”

His expression shifts, and he places his palm on my shoulder, looking almost sad. “Are you sure about this? Taking this kind of risk?”

Touched by his concern, I touch his cheek and smile at him. “Thanks for caring, but yes, I’m willing to take the risk. These feelings I have for him... they’re real. They have been for a long time.”

Without another word, Nick pulls me into a tight hug and whispers, “Please be careful. He’s never been in a committed relationship before. And if he hurts you...” He trails off as his grip on me loosens and he looks away.

“I know it’s complicated, but I can’t just turn off my feelings for him.”

A heavy sigh escapes Nick’s lips as he meets my gaze again. “Right, but just so you know, I’m going to have a chat with Brian.”

I let out a quiet breath, knowing begging him not to would be futile. But warmth blooms in my chest, witnessing how much my big brother cares for me. He wants to make sure I’m safe and secure, even though it must be uncomfortable and challenging for him too. If things don’t go according to plan, he’ll be stuck in the middle of us both—an unpleasant prospect, no matter which way you look at it. But let’s not assume the worst, because as I can see now, Brian and I are doing deliciously fine.

“Daddy!” Charlotte’s voice calls. Nick’s eyes widen in shock and I follow his gaze, laughing hard. Charlotte is standing on the threshold. Her red raincoat is dirty, caked with stripes of dried mud everywhere, including her beaming face. A perfect little mud girl.

“We went to the forest, and I jumped and ran through giant mud pools.”

My dad comes in behind her, followed by my mom, holding Liam, who’s fallen asleep. Charlotte walks to Nick and pulls her hands out of her pocket, showing him stones she’s collected and running away as she giggles.

My mom walks to me. “Can you hold him for a moment? I have to remove my boots and wash my hands.”

“Sure.” As I take Liam from her, he opens his eyes to slits and looks at me. “Hey, sweetie,” I whisper.

“Ama,” he mumbles before resting his head on my chest and closing his eyes again. My heart melts. I place a kiss on his head and inhale his sweet smell. I watch his soft features as he sleeps, and I forget my surroundings. It isn’t until Nick stops next to me and taps on my shoulder.

“We’re gonna get going,” he says as he takes Liam.

Charlotte stops before me and smiles. “Daddy said Uncle Brian likes the picture I made for him.”

“He does,” I say. “I saw it hanging in his kitchen.”

Her face beams with joy.

“Charlotte, let’s go home so Liam can sleep in his bed.”

She nods to her dad.

“Bye, Amanda,” she chirps as she hugs me.

“Bye, sweetheart. Give your mom a hug and a kiss from me.”

She waves and walks off, and warmth spreads through my chest at the sight of her taking her dad’s hand as they leave.

I swallow and bite my lips as I picture myself in Nick’s shoes and walking hand in hand with a child that has blond hair like their dad. Shocked by my own thoughts, I push them aside.

My parents close the door after waving goodbye to Nick and the kids and turn their attention to me.

“How are you, honey?” my mom asks, kissing me on my cheek. “Your dad and I want to hear everything about the launch. Nick said it was an enormous success, but I want to hear it from my precious girl.”

I smile. There’s nothing better than receiving the love and support of your family. So after I take a seat at the kitchen table, I fill them in on the details of the show.

A week later,I strut through the store with a satisfied smile as the last customer of the day leaves.

“My feet are dead,” Alisha whimpers, plopping down near the dressing rooms and rubbing her hands over her pregnant tummy.

I stretch out my aching muscles. “Same here. We sure had a rush this week.”
