Page 71 of Beyond Friendship

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I touch her cheek with my fingertip, tracing the line of her cheekbone to her lips. “But when I got to know you, I liked your ambition and drive when it comes to going for your dreams. Add to that your generous and kind heart and you became stunning in my eyes. Now every moment with you is special, whether we’re cooking dinner or just vegging out watching movies. You’ve got an energy that can make me smile on my grumpiest days, and your stubbornness can be both admirable and endearing.”

I lean in close until our noses almost touch. “But what I like most about you,” I whisper, “is that even on the days when I don’t deserve it, you still give me the sweetest kisses.”

She pecks my lips and a profound sense of bliss fills me as we return to our comfortable position.

Hours later, Amanda snuggles close against me in bed, her head resting on my chest.

“Thank you for this perfect day,” she mumbles into my shirt.

My heart skips a beat as a flashback of my mom saying those same words to my dad on their anniversary day floods my mind. I freeze, fear rising as the similarities between us become overwhelming.

Amanda senses my unease and her hand finds mine, running calming circles over my now clenched fist.

“Brian, what’s wrong?”

I glance down, the memory of that day burning like a fire inside me, desperate to be unleashed. I open my mouth to speak but then close it again.

Amanda pushes herself up until she’s able to look me in the eye. “Talk to me,” she pleads.

I take in a deep breath before slowly opening my mouth, scared of ruining this perfect night with my words. “Y-you thanking me for the day triggered a memory…but it’s okay. I don’t want to ruin the mood.” My voice trails off into a whisper and I close my eyes in a bid to escape my own thoughts.

When I open my lids, Amanda’s gaze is full of understanding, and as her hand finds mine, I feel an instant calmness rush over me.

“You won’t ruin anything. Nothing you say can ruin this,” she says with a slight smile in her voice, attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere. “Well, except maybe if you break up with me.”

A grin tugs at the corner of my lips in appreciation for her effort to uplift my mood. She is so incredibly amazing and I finally realize that it is time I tell her everything. I stretch my arm to the side and open the bedside drawer.

My fingers find the cool surface of a silver frame, and I hand it to her. She sits up, taking it in her hands, and when she turns it around, she gasps. It’s understandable. She hasn’t seen a picture of my dad. I’m the spitting image of him. Blessed with the same hair color, bone structure, height, and, of course, heart condition.

“It’s eerie, isn’t it?” I attempt a smile but fail miserably as memories from that day wash over me. I can still sense my dad’s arms around me as he whispered words of encouragement while playing football. The bright sun as we walked through the park…

I take a shuddering breath, tears forming in my eyes as I tell the story.

“The day before my father died, we celebrated their twelve years of undying love. We went to our favorite diner—a greasy little joint with photos taped up of family nights and smiling faces. I remember the waiter’s kind smile when he saw my dad pull out a giant bouquet of camellias for my mom, with a note that read, ‘You are my only and ever-lasting love. I will always love you.’ The whole place applauded them as they shared happy tears and laughter. Later on, we walked to the park, hand in hand, and Dad chased me around as we played football. We finished with ice cream cones. It was the perfect day until...”

Amanda’s gentle fingers keep brushing circles on my clenched fists, grounding me back to reality.

“At four twenty-eight a.m., a piercing scream tore me awake. It took seconds for me to realize it wasn’t a nightmare. It was real, it was coming from their bedroom. When I opened the door...” My voice catches in my throat as the memory returns, flooding into my mind like acid on metal.

“I found my mom’s sobs echoing around their bedroom. She was clawing at my dad’s chest, pleading for him to wake up, but his purple lips and ash-gray skin told me all I needed to know. Somehow I forced myself downstairs and call nine-one-one...”

A sigh leaves my lips. “Life never was the same after that.”

Her warm tears dampen my skin as she embraces me in a tight hug, her arms draped like a shield around my shoulders. Somehow, her presence soothes away the agony that remembering that night brings. “I can’t imagine what you must have gone through,” she says.

“It was hell, and I never want to go through it again,” I whisper into her hair as I draw her closer to me. Memories of that night flash before my eyes again, but this time I don’t feel the same level of despair as before. Her arms are like a balm to my soul. The comfort she’s providing erases away some of the pain and sadness that swell up inside me whenever I think about it.

“Let’s not talk about this anymore,” I murmur, cupping her face as our eyes meet. “It’s making us both sad.”

She smiles at my genuine worry for her and clings to me even tighter. “It’s all right, I like it when you open up to me. It helps me better understand who you are today.”

“And who am I today?”

“Sweet and damn sexy, she says.

I laugh and lean back. “I still prefer seeing your gorgeous smile or hearing you moan my name in ecstasy,” I whisper, tracing circles on her neck with my index finger.

My mouth moves down to hers until they meet in a passionate kiss that leaves us both gasping for air. We break apart and both of us are smiling now, our previous sadness replaced by desire and laughter.
