Page 73 of Beyond Friendship

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I chuckle while both excitement and nerves fill me at the thought of meeting his mom, but deep down I’m happy. Because him asking means he’s serious about us. I touch his cheek. “Do you think she’ll like me?”

“I have no doubt,” he murmurs and leans in to give me a tender kiss on the forehead.

An hour and a half later, we arrive at Brian’s childhood home. A two-story red brick colonial on a quiet street in one of Boston’s suburbs. The wraparound porch runs along the front of the house and is complete with white railings and a sitting area.

“So you grew up here?”


As we get out of the car, my nerves start to build.What if his mom doesn’t like me?Brian squeezes my hand reassuringly as we step onto the porch before taking a key from his pocket and unlocking the door. He holds it open for me, allowing me to enter first, a gesture of chivalry that melts my heart. The scent of freshly baked cookies greets us as we pass into the hallway, and I can’t help but smile at the welcoming smell.

Brian leads me through to the living room, where a woman sits in an armchair next to the fireplace, reading a book. She looks up as we enter.

“Hey, Mom.”

The woman’s eyes land on me and I can see astonishment on her features, but it’s gone the next moment. Brian’s mom is approximately five feet tall with dark auburn hair, and her irises are a shade darker than that of her son, but they emit warmth and kindness that make me feel comfortable instantly.

When Brian gives his mother a hug and a kiss on the cheek, my heart flutters at the sight of the mother-son bond.

“Who did you bring with you?” she asks, not hiding her curiosity.

Brian chuckles.

“Mom,” he says softly. “This is Amanda.”

The woman sends me a generous smile while holding out her hand. “Hello, Amanda, I’m Vera.”

I shake her hand and smile. “Amanda Brown. It’s so nice to finally meet you.”

She stares at me for a moment before saying with curiosity lacing her voice, “Aren’t you Nick Brown’s sister?”

“Mom,” Brian groans.

I chuckle. “Yes, I am.”

Vera grins. “Ah, I see,” she says before sauntering over to the kitchen.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee, homemade cookies, and aromatic spices and herbs fills the air as we enter the cozy kitchen. We take a seat at the wooden kitchen table. Brian grins as he sees me survey the room. Mustard yellow walls, white tiled countertops, and there’s a quaint gas stove and an ancient refrigerator with vintage white and copper knobs. The cupboards are made from weathered wood, and the floor is tiled with rustic-colored tiles.

Vera places steaming coffee cups on the table. Then she looks between me and her son before giving him a soft smile. “So she’s the woman you mentioned to me at Christmas?”

When he nods, I can’t help feeling warmth spread through my chest. He told his mom about me when he was visiting for the holidays.

“So tell me what do you do for a living, Amanda?”

“I have a women’s clothing store called Venus.”

“Oh my, that’s incredible,” she says before frowning and tapping her finger against her chin. Her eyes dart back to her son. “Didn’t you host a launch party at Six-Pack a while ago for a women’s clothing store? You told me the owner was, in your words, a crazy talented woman with an amazing sense of business.”

Brian clears his throat as my lips curl into an extensive grin.

“Wow, she sounds like a marvelous woman,” I say.

His mom’s eyes dart between us, and then she links it.

“Oh my God. You’re the woman he spoke so highly of.” Her eyes gleam with pleasure. “Now it all makes sense.”

Brian pulls his ringing cell phone out of his jeans and lets out a sigh. “Sorry, but I have to take this.”
