Page 94 of Beyond Friendship

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He said he could arrange for me to go somewhere, to heal my broken heart, but I immediately told him I couldn’t leave my store unattended. He stopped me mid-sentence, offering up an option I hadn’t considered: Ask a business friend who could take care of Venus while I took time for myself.

And now, I’m here, on this beautiful island. We’ve been here for a week. Seven days where my mind has had a hard time enjoying this as it keeps drifting to one specific man every chance it gets. My eyes dart to my phone in my hand.Should I try to call him? See how he is doing?

Instead of calling him, I video dial another number. Seconds later, Bella’s face pops up on the screen.

“I was just thinking about you. How are you?” she asks.

I blurt out the truth, “I want to call him.”

“Don’t do it,” Bella says, pointing a brush that she’s holding to the camera. “Give him the room to mourn, Amanda.”

“But...” I let out a wobbly sigh as tears begin to build.

“Oh, sweetie,” she says in a gentle, soothing tone. “Cole is watching out for him. Instead of worrying about him, focus on healing yourself.”

I release a deep breath, knowing she is right.

“I’m making something for you,” Bella says with an enthralling twinkle in her eye. I know she’s using this to lift my mood, and bless her, it’s kind of working.

“Are you making a painting for me?”

When she nods, I ask, “Can I see it?” while trying my best to peer past her, even though I know that’s impossible on a video call.

She chuckles as she sees me attempting to look beyond her.

“It’s not ready yet. But I promise it will be worth the wait, and I think it would look amazing in Venus.”

“Oh, I love that idea. Then every customer can see what a talented artist you are.”

She shrugs. “I could use the promotion,” she whispers under her breath, but I catch it anyway.

“What do you mean, ‘you could use it?’ What’s going on, Bella?”

For a second, Bella’s eyes wander off and I sense worry in her features, but it quickly dissipates when she looks back at me and says in a reassuring tone, “It’s nothing.” She offers me a warm smile.

“You sure?”

Her red hair skims her cheeks as she nods.

From the corner of my eyes, I see Aris gesturing that breakfast is ready.

“I need to go, Bells.”

“Okay. Enjoy your stay. And remember, you’re there to take care of you, so please do so.”

“Thanks for the reminder. Give the girls a kiss from me.”

“I will. And when you’re back, we’ll schedule a girls’ night.”

After hanging up, I stare at the prestigious waterfront property nestled right in front of a pristine sandy beach. The plot, right on the shore, has preserved all the charm of the typical Sardinian nature, thanks to the unspoiled setting with century-old juniper trees and the modern lines of the house integrating harmoniously with the natural environment.

I walk to the set table and the housekeeper gestures to take a seat by pulling a chair back.

“Oh no, Aris. Sit down and have breakfast with me.”

The man’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “But, Miss Amanda, it’s my job to take care of you.”

“I insist,” I say with a warm smile.
