Page 28 of Boyfriend for Hire

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Montez clutched his chest and grimaced in fake pain. “That hurt.”

She smiled. He was such fun to be around. If she were looking for a man, he’d be perfect.

When he eased closer, she edged backward.

“Why are you moving away?” Montez asked.

“Why are you coming all up in my personal space?”

“Because I want to do this.”

He caught her chin and dipped his head before she could pull back. He gave her a firm kiss. No tongue, just their lips pressed together. Her core quivered, and when he lifted his head, her lips fell apart, wanting more.

Montez gazed down at her with heavy-lidded eyes. “You want me as much as I want you,” he said in a husky voice.

“Maybe. Maybe not,” she whispered, mesmerized by his eyes.

“Not maybe. Definitely.” He licked his lips, and her mind traveled back to that night and his tongue between her thighs. She closed her eyes and shivered.

His thumb stroked her jawline, and she opened her eyes.

“I’ll text you with the details later. See you tomorrow, Desiree.”

He walked away, and she almost stamped her foot in frustration. That kiss had been nothing more than an annoying appetizer, but she wanted the whole meal. She wished he’d dragged another kiss from her lips. Anything but leave. But that’s what he did.

Only after she was staring at his car’s departing lights did she realize she hadn’t moved from her spot since he walked away.


What the heck am I doing here?

Except for playing miniature golf on dates in the past, Desiree knew very little about the sport. All this for a promotion. It better work.

Montez lifted one of the clubs from the bag, and she stood on the dewy-damp grass of the driving range with her fingers curled around the handle of a 9-iron, which he claimed was easier to start with but which felt like a foreign object in her hands.

Excited and nervous at the same time, she waited as Montez came toward her with a confident stride in a white polo shirt and comfortable-looking slacks that showed off his toned arms and fine physique.

Lawd, this man is fine.

He stopped a few feet away, but it wasn’t far enough. The charge in the air zapped her as surely as if she’d been struck by lightning.

He gave her an encouraging smile. “Ready?”

Desiree nodded. “I’ll do my best.”

“That’s all you can do. Remember, you’re not going to be perfect, but this isn’t about perfection. We want you to become comfortable enough with the clubs that you won’t look bad when compared to Ass-Face.”

She snorted her laughter, pleased he continued to call Royce the not-so-nice moniker she had given him.

“We’re going to start with the fundamentals. Did you already stretch like I told you?”

“Yes, sir.”

He smirked, and her cheeks burned with heat. He had such a dirty mind, and apparently so did she.

“Good. Now we need to start with your grip. The grip is important because it makes for a more powerful swing and increases your accuracy. What you want to do is hold on tight to the club. Kinda like the way you were gripping my ass the night we had sex.”

“Wow, really?”

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