Page 3 of Boyfriend for Hire

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“Excuse me,” the man muttered.

Desiree had brought her hands up to lessen the impact of the bump, and her actions brought her palms into full contact with Mr. Confident’s hard chest. Oh yeah, he had a great body.

His left hand grabbed her bare arm to hold her steady, and goosebumps sprouted on her skin from his warm touch.

“Sorry about that,” she whispered, darn near breathless as she gazed up at him.

“Not your fault.”

They continued staring into each other’s eyes. She couldn’t remember having such a strong attraction to a man before. Sure, she’d met men she was attracted to, but this—this was achingly powerful. She felt transfixed and was almost afraid to blink because she didn’t want to break the spell between them.

When his hand slipped away, disappointment thrummed through her, and she released the breath she had unconsciously held while gazing into his eyes.

His attention shifted to the menu, and he frowned. “You’re going to get something to eat?”

“I was thinking about it, but with that look on your face, now I’m not so sure.”

“Full disclosure, the food here is a’ight.”

“Wow,” she laughed.

His gaze rested on her for a minute, as if her laughter was some new and unusual sound he was not familiar with.

“How hungry are you?”

“Very hungry. I’ve had a long day and the last time I ate was at twelve-thirty.”

He scanned the menu. “Stay away from the oxtails, mac and cheese, and the collard greens. The fried chicken is decent—crunchy skin but a little bland. The jalapeño poppers are good. If you like fish, go with the fried catfish, fried okra, and rice. The food used to be better, but they changed the menu, and it hasn’t been the same since.”

“Then why areyouhere?”

“The drinks are excellent, and…” He tilted his head a little to the right. “I came here to meet someone. I guess that someone is you.”

Heat blossomed in her cheeks. Smooth. Real smooth. She was starting to really like this guy.

“I’m going to take your advice and order the catfish.”

“You staying in or doing takeout?”

She hesitated for a moment. She’d planned to order her food to go, sipping her Long Island tea while she waited. Not anymore. “I was going to eat here.”

“Care for some company?”

“I wouldn’t mind some company when he looks like you.”

He laughed, his voice husky and his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. “That’s what I like to hear. Don’t move. Let me see if I can find us a table.”

He stepped away from her, but with his height, he remained visible as he moved through the crowded diner. After a few minutes, he returned to her side. “Found one in a corner in the back.”

“One sec.”

She reached for her purse to pay the tab, and he shot her an incredulous look. “Come on now, you trying to make me look bad?”

“No,” Desiree said with a laugh. “I can pay for my own drinks.”

“Not while I’m standing here.” He pulled out his wallet and placed a twenty on the counter, then waved over the bartender. “For her drink.”

The guy looked between them and smirked. “Cool. I got you.”
