Page 32 of Boyfriend for Hire

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Drevon chuckled. “You’re kidding.”

“I wish I was. I don’t know how long this thing is going to drag out, but I guess I’m going to be her boyfriend for a little longer.”

“Are you excited or…?”

Before Montez could respond, their good friend John Edward Thomas, aka Jet, strolled in. A talented landscaper, At Your Service often hired him out to women who needed that type of work. He was a big guy with golden-brown skin, a full beard, and a diamond in each ear.

“What’s up? Sorry I’m late.” He fell into the third chair and completed the semi-circle around the small table. “What did I miss?”

“Montez was about to tell me how he felt about the work he had to do for a recent client, considering they’d already hooked up. His one-night stand from over a month ago.”

Jet’s eyes widened. “No way.”

Montez caught up Jet on the conversation and ended with, “I’m supposed to go golfing with her boss, her, and her nemesis from work.”

“At least you’re getting paid for it,” Jet said with a smirk.

“That’s not the point. The more time I spend with this woman, the more I like her, and… I’m thinking about canceling the contract because I don’t want a conflict. You know how strict my mother is about that kind of thing.”

“Whoa. Do you know how she feels about you?” Jet asked.

“Usually I can tell when a woman is into me, but she’s a hard read. If it was all about sex, I’d say she’s into it. Anything more than that, I’m not sure. Doesn’t help that she told me herself she wasn’t looking for a serious relationship.”

“What are you complaining about? You found the perfect woman who only wants to have sex. It’s the holy grail. What’s the problem?”

“The problem is…” Montez hesitated and shifted in the chair. The last thing he wanted to do was sound lovesick.

“If I may interject for a minute, if she told you she’s interested in sex only, that’s bullshit,” Drevon said. “I know you prefer women like that, but don’t do it. It’s a bad idea, which you already know.”

True enough, he’d had a bad experience with a sex-only relationship with one of his sister’s friends. But at this point, he almost didn’t care about the consequences. He wanted Desiree again, and if she was down, he intended to take full advantage.

“Cut your losses,” Drevon continued. “Regularly hooking up, friends with benefits, whatever you want to call it, never works for one simple reason: someone always catches feelings.”

Montez slouched in the chair and dropped his head back to stare at the ceiling. “You’re probably right, but maybe it’ll have to be enough to get her out of my system.” He couldn’t explain what he was feeling, only that impressing and winning over Desiree occupied way too much of his thoughts.

Jet chuckled and stroked his beard.

“What’s so funny?” Montez demanded.

“You’ve found a woman who’s exactly like you. She’s focused on her career, upwardly mobile, and doesn’t get attached when she hooks up. One-night stand? No problem. Like Drevon said, you usually prefer women like her.”

“A really wild idea crossed my mind. Is it possible, and I’m just throwing this out—that you might have deeper feelings than you’re willing to admit?” Drevon asked.

Jet let out an exaggerated gasp.

Montez shot him a dark look. “Both of you are nuts. No. Way.”

“Listen, cuz, far be it from me to judge anyone, but—”

“But you’re going to.”

Drevon chuckled. “All I’m saying is, we’ve been here for thirty minutes, and you’ve spent about twenty-nine of them talking about Desiree.”

Had he really spent that much time talking about her? Even fifteen minutes was too much.

Montez sat up and scrubbed his knuckles down his bearded jaw. These were his closest confidants, and though he hadn’t been willing to admit to himself that his feelings for Desiree were deeper than surface level, he couldn’t deny it when they shoved the evidence in his face.

“You’re right,” he said in a defeated voice. “I keep talking about her. I keep thinking about her. I wonder what she’s doing.”I wonder if she’s screwing someone else.He kept that thought to himself and muttered a curse in frustration. “This woman is a problem. You know what it is? She left me in that hotel room, and it threw me completely off. If I could hook up with her again, all this shit will go away.”
