Page 43 of Boyfriend for Hire

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The meeting began with a discussion of the new scheduling software they had purchased. “It’s much easier to work with, and I like it a lot,” Devonte commented, and he went on to express additional reasons why he liked it better than the old software. He then told them about scheduling bottlenecks he anticipated coming up and pointed out the surge in new clients from the social media influencer marketing they had done with Monica Connor had seen a small decline over the previous month.

Stacy gave an update on the company as a whole, including her progress on finding office space on the West Coast. They had talked about expanding for several years, and now it seemed their dream would come to fruition in the coming months.

Montez took a sip of his drink before he began his report. “Things continue to look good on the marketing front, and I have a lead on a professional marketing organization with nine hundred female members in Georgia and more around the country. Approximately two-thirds of them are single and could be potential clients.”

“How did that come about?” his mother asked.

“From another client, Desiree Hagan. She’s a member of the Women in Marketing organization and put in a good word for us. I’m working on a presentation for the group.”

“She must be very happy with our services to recommend us to her organization,” his father added.

“She is—was. She’s no longer a client.”

Devonte set down his sandwich. “Desiree Hagan… Is that the woman you met with a few weeks ago because I couldn’t meet with her? Her name was Desiree Hagan, wasn’t it?”

“That’s the one,” Montez answered.

“You were able to find someone for her?” Devonte asked with surprise.

“Not exactly. I filled in.”

“You did? That’s unusual. You never said a word.”

Montez shrugged. “It’s not a big deal.”

His mother watched him closely. “It is a big deal. You must have really impressed her because now she wants to share our services with—”

Silence filled the room.

“Please tell me you didn’t sleep with her,” his mother continued.


“I know you, Montez. What is her last name again?” Viola opened the laptop beside her.

“This is really unnecessary,” Montez complained.

“Last. Name. Please.” She added a smile at the end of the command.

They all waited while she did a search for Desiree in the database, and when she found her photo, she raised her gaze to Montez.

“She’s a very attractive young woman.”

“Now I understand why you’ve been canceling on me, which makes things worse,” Devonte said.

“We didn’t get involved while under contract,” Montez explained. “I know better.”

“I’m not so sure,” Stacy muttered.

He sent his darkest glare across the table to her, but she simply smiled.

“I need to say something,” Montez began. “I know in the past I haven’t had a good track record where women are concerned.”

Stacy coughed, but when their mother sent a look her way, she patted her chest and quieted down.

“As I was saying… I know I don’t have the best track record, but this time—this woman—is different. She’s funny, generous, and works hard. Not just for herself, but to help her family. We mesh, in a way that hasn’t happened before.”

“I’ve never heard you talk about a young lady in that way before. This sounds serious,” his father said.
