Page 50 of Boyfriend for Hire

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“I’m in the bedroom,” she called out.

Montez walked in that direction. “What have you been up to—” He came to an abrupt stop inside the bedroom door. Desiree’s bed was filled with clothes. “What’s all this?”

Before she answered, he walked over and kissed her beauty mark and then her plush lips. “Don’t you look sexy.”

She wore sweatpants and an oversized long-sleeved shirt, with her hair piled up in a messy ponytail.

She gently slapped his chest. “I know I don’t look great, but it’s been a long day.” She heaved out a breath and placed her hands on her hips. “I can’t decide what to wear to work on Monday, so I emptied my closet of some of my best outfits because when I win the promotion, I want to look fabulous.”

“You always look fabulous, babe.”

A grateful smile touched her lips. “Thank you, but this is so important, maybe I want to look better than fabulous.” She held up a black pantsuit against her chest. “What do you think about this?”

Stepping back, Montez stuffed his hands into his pockets and surveyed the outfit. “It’s nice.”

She wrinkled her nose “You don’t really like it.”

“I do, but I think you should wear something with color. That’s when you look your best to me.”

“Color, okay…” She scanned the items on the bed and then rummaged through the clothes. Eventually, she pulled two more suits from the pile.

She held a red skirt suit against her body and then a lavender pantsuit. “Which one?”

Montez recognized how important all this was to her, so he determined to give her his undivided attention and very honest opinion. “Let me see the red again.”

She made the switch.

“Now the lavender.”

She switched again, holding the lavender under her chin.

“Lavender,” Montez said with a decisive head nod.

“You’re sure?”

“Yes. Definitely the lavender.”

While Desiree gazed at the suit with a critical eye, Montez took them both from her. “You need to relax.”

She watched him place the outfits on the bed. “I can’t. Everything I’ve worked for comes to a head on Monday.”

For a brief moment, the conversation he had with Royce flitted through his mind. “I have every confidence in you, but there is a teeny-tiny possibility that Mark chooses Royce because he doesn’t see how amazing you are. What will you do then?” Montez asked.

“That’s not really an option,” Desiree said with a vigorous shake of her head.

“But what if that happens?” he insisted.

“Then I have to work harder and put in more hours to prove myself.”

“You’re already working fifty or more hours a week, babe.”

Desiree shrugged. “I need to blow Mark’s mind with new ideas. Or, I could get a job somewhere else where there are better opportunities.” She lifted clothes off the bed and walked with them to the closet.

“I saw Royce at the gas station before I came here.”

Desiree peered out of the closet. “Did you speak to him?”

“Yes. He spoke first, and he had a lot to say. He and Calandra had a baby boy.”
