Page 152 of Haunted

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“You know those rooms off the hallway? You’re going to go into one of them.”

He gaped. “But what if someone comes into the barn?”

“Then you’ll need to be real quiet.”

Butch’s breathing hitched. “Who says I’ll be making any noise?”

Sol grinned. “I do. Now… pick a room.”

The toy and lube in one hand, his phone in the other, Butch stepped into the hallway that led off the main room, and tried the handle of the first door on the left. It opened, and he flicked the switch.

There wasn’t much in there: a chair, a small table on which sat a folded towel, and—

“There’s a bed in here.”

Sol chuckled again. “Of course. Sometimes you want more than a bench, a chair, the floor…” He paused. “A wall.”

That last one sent a ripple of—anticipation? Excitement? Fear? —through him, and once more, it wasn’t unpleasant.

“But it’s covered in black vinyl.”

“Easier to wipe off spunk and lube than throw sheets in the washer.” Sol’s eyes locked onto his. “Take your jeans off.”

Holy fuck, they were really gonna do this.

Butch placed the phone on the bed, pulled his boots off, and removed his jeans, his dick already at half-mast. He picked the phone up. “Now what?”

Hemight be nervous but his cock was sure taking an interest.

“Sit on the bed, your back to the wall, feet on the mattress.” Sol paused. “Then spread your legs for me.”

He shivered. “This is so fucking weird. Don’t know why I’m doing this.”

“I do.” Sol regarded him with such an intense gaze that Butch’s heart lurched. “You need to get out of that rut you’ve worn yourself into. Push your boundaries. And of course, we both know the main reason why you’re standing in that room.”

“And what’s that?”

Sol didn’t break eye contact. “Because I asked you to.” Then he smiled. “And if you want, I’ll be here the whole time. Your call.”

Butch’s heartbeat quickened. “I want you to stay.”

Sol beamed. “You have no idea how that makes me feel.” His lips twitched. “Butch? On the bed, remember?”

He climbed onto it, his head and shoulders against the wall, knees bent and wide, feet planted on the mattress, both the toy and lube within reach. “Ready.”

“You know why it feels good to have someone touch your hole? There are a ton of nerve endings around it. So just start by rubbing slowly over it.”

Butch held the phone so that the camera focused on his face, then reached down and stroked over his hole with the pad of his finger.

Sol nodded. “Nice and slow. Circle it, feel it contract beneath your fingertip.”

He had to admit, it felt okay.

“Right, you’re going to need both hands for this part. Squeeze some lube onto your fingers. I’ll stare at the ceiling while you do it.”

Butch’s heart hammered, and his mouth dried up.

“Butch? Something wrong?”
