Page 155 of Haunted

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Butch grinned. “I think you already know the answer to that.” He glanced at the black vinyl slick with lube and spattered with cum. “I think I’d better get this place cleaned up before everyone gets back.”

“About that… If you want to do this again, but someplace that’s a little more private, there’s always the cabin, right? I mean, itisfor the use of the ranch hands, right? As long as you leave it the way you found it?”

Butch chuckled. “Great idea. Anyone could be forgiven for thinking that was the whole reason behind you suggesting it to the boss.” He stilled. “This wasn’t some evil plan of yours, was it? To provide a private little spot so we could—”

“Butch Buchanan, just how big is your ego? Are you saying I came up with the idea expressly for the purpose of having my wicked way with you?”

Butch’s face was on fire. “Of course not.”

“I’m relieved to hear it.” That twinkle in Sol’s eyes gave the game away.

Butch groaned. “You really had me going for a minute there. You always were good at yanking my chain.”

“Then I’ll be good from now on.” He grinned. “The only thing I’ll be yanking is your dick.”

Butch had thought his cock was out for the count, but apparently it was listening, and it liked what it heard.

Sol’s expression softened. “I meant every word, by the way. You were beautiful. And yes, guys can be beautiful too.” He looked Butch in the eye. “Especially when they’re in the throes of their first p-spot orgasm.” He grabbed a towel. “Now get your butt out of there before Toby catches you.”

Butch nodded. He picked his phone up, and Sol’s face filled the screen.

“Thanks, Sol.”

Sol blew him a kiss. “Anytime, gorgeous.” Then he was gone.

Butch got off the bed, not surprised to find his legs trembled.

I had no idea.But now he knew what he’d been missing? He wanted to experience it all over again.

He knew, however, that when night fell, he’d be lying in bed thinking about what had just happened—and recalling every word Sol had uttered.

Chapter 36

Saturday, September 10

Teague walked into the bunkhouse just as Gary, Logan, and Rog dumped their bags by the door.

“We’re all ready here,” Butch told him. Once he got back, it would be clean-up time.

“I’m glad I caught you before you left.” Teague took his hat off and addressed the three guests. “I came to say goodbye, and to offer apologies from the boss. It wasn’t exactly the week you were expecting, especially the start of it. We’ve all been a little preoccupied around here.”

Gary widened his eyes. “Hey, there’s no need to apologize. I’m just relieved she’s okay.”

“When does she get to leave the hospital?” Logan asked.

“This afternoon.”

“I don’t know about these two,” Rog began, “but I’ve had a great week. And I’m kinda intrigued about this new venture of yours. I saw the website last night.”

“Do you want a look around the place before you leave?” Teague offered.

Rog stilled. “Oh, no, it’s not forme. Not my scene at all. But I have some friends who’d definitely be interested. I already sent them the link.”

Teague smiled, and Butch was reminded what a handsome guy he was. There hadn’t been many smiles the past week.

“Thank you.” Teague caught Butch’s eye. “You ready to take these three gentlemen into Bozeman for the shuttle?”

