Page 209 of Haunted

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One of the doors opened, and Luke, Wyatt, and Sol came out.

Sol smiled at Darren. “I think these two would like a little alone time with you.”

“Can we go for a ride?” one of the subs asked.

“Sure.” Darren pocketed his phone. “Let’s go see Paul, and then we’ll find a trail.”

“Paul will find horses for you,” Robert told him. “And there’ll be a few ranch hands around if you want a guide. They know all the trails.”

Darren beamed. “Sounds great.” He glanced at Sol. “Thanks. And sorry about the other morning. You were right to call me out.”

Sol’s eyes were warm. “We all make mistakes, right? The important thing is we learn from them.”

Darren nodded. “Come on, boys. Let’s go for a ride.” He grinned. “And then later on there might be more… riding.”

Both subs flushed.

The three men walked out of the barn, and Robert smiled.

“I thought you were here to relax and give the odd demonstration.”

Sol chuckled. “Hey, they wanted a chat. I wasn’t going to say no. The main thing is, now they’ll talk to Darren about their concerns, which is as it should be.”

Robert tilted his head. “Toby says you’ve been spending a lot of time with Butch. Everything okay there?”

Sol nodded. “Everything is more than okay. We’ve done a lot of talking.”

Robert coughed. He wasn’t blind. And from the front porch, he had a perfect view of the new barn—and who was entering and leaving it on a regular basis.

Sol and Butch were doing a damn sight more than talking, he’d bet money on that. But Sol showed no sign of wanting to talk about that, so Robert said nothing.

It’s their business.

“I’m glad I caught you. I was going to ask if you wanted to join me and Toby for a drink Friday night. Last night and all.”

Sol smiled. “That would be great.” His phone buzzed, and he peered at the screen. His face brightened. “I think I’m needed elsewhere.”

“Then I’ll let you go.” Robert tipped his hat and headed out of the barn.

He had a feeling he knew exactly who had messaged Sol, and part of him wassofreaking happy about that.

It’s about time.

The few times he’d seen Butch since Sol’s arrival, there was no mistaking the change in him. He seemed relaxed, except it was more than that.

He finally looks happy in his own skin.

That had been a long time coming.

Chapter 50

Thursday, September 29

Butch stared at the pile of chips in front of Zeeb. “Dude, cash ’em in. This lucky streak has gotta end sometime. Grab the cash while you still can.”

A crowd had gathered around the roulette table, not that it was Zeeb’s first run of good luck that night. He’d won a stack of chips playing craps, he’d had a couple of great hands at poker, and right then it didn’t look like he could lose.

“Butch is right,” Teague added.
