Page 32 of Haunted

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Matt shook his head. “He’d opened his car door to pick up the credit card he’d dropped. The car rolled forward, colliding with the restaurant building, and he got pinned between the car door and the vehicle frame.”

“He died?” Walt stilled. “Thatisawful.”

“Yeah. They tried to revive him, but he died at the scene. The report said his husband was devastated.”

“Where was this?” Zeeb asked.

“Atlanta. Guy was sixty. It said he’d been with his husband for twenty-three years, and that they finally married in 2016 when it became legal.” Matt’s face fell. “I’ve got a few gay friends in Atlanta. I’ll ask them if they knew the guy who died.”

Zeeb blinked. “Is that likely? Atlanta must be huge.”

“Yeah, it is, but it’s got a close-knit gay community. And with a name like Prettyman, they might know the couple.”

Butch froze. “The guy who died… what was his first name?”

“Race. His husband was called Lee.”

No. Aw fuck, no.

His stomach plummeted, and his hands were like ice.

“Butch? You okay?” Matt’s voice broke through.

Christ, why was it so difficult to breathe?

“Butch?” That was Zeeb.

With an effort, he forced air into his lungs.

Matt stared at him, aghast. “Did you know him?”

Butch nodded. “A long time ago. He… he was a friend.”

The words tasted like betrayal on his tongue. Race had been more than a friend.

Lord, he needed a cigarette. Or a drink.

“Jesus. I’m sorry.”

Butch struggled to regain his mental balance. “I haven’t seen him since ‘98 when he moved to Atlanta. He messaged me to tell me about Lee.”

Pull yourself together. It’s been twenty-four years since Race said his goodbyes. And how long was it before you found a replacement?

Except with Race, it had been more than sex, and Butch knew it.

“How did you guys meet? And where?”

Butch didnotwant to talk about this. All he wanted was to get the fuck out of there. Because he could see what was coming right at him.

You had a gay friend?

How come you never mention him?

And worse still… Teague could get to hear about this, and Butch justknewhe’d want the whole story.

Well,no onegot to hear that. Ever.

He stood and headed for the door. “I’ll be back in a while.” He expected complaints about how much work there was still to be done, but surprisingly, none came.
