Page 49 of Homani True

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Lilly snuggles in closer to Gage’s comforting heat at her back as they lay in silence. She wouldn’t give this up for the world, hence the decision to move to Crescent Harbour with him following the clean-up of Smith’s Farm.

Beth decided to help Emily and Michelle with the school. A small smile crosses her lips; Taryn and Kaitlyn had decided to stay. They had found their calling working the bar, which worked out well for Lilly as JD offered to take over the store for her.

Finn would be working with Pete at the dam now that Harold–fuck, she still can’t think of Harold without her heart breaking.

Gage’s thumb brushes over her cheek. She didn’t realize she was even crying.

“You okay?” he asks, his lips by her ear.

“Yeah, maybe just a little overwhelmed with all the changes.”

He turns her toward him so they are lying face to face. He cups her cheek, his forest-green eyes bore into hers. “We can stay. If that’s what you need, I can hand over my position to Lennon.”

Her heart swells. This wonderful, loving, considerate man would give up being the leader of his people for her. No. They need him, and it would be selfish of her to allow him to do it. Lilly shakes her head. “We will visit the farm from time to time and definitely be here when the babies are born. Calli and Brook would have my ass if I’m not,” she chuckles. Reaching up, she mirrors his position with her hands on his face, love and devotion shining in his eyes. “This is a new adventure, and all I need is you.”


~Ten years later~

Lillypresseshereyesclosed, smiling as the raucous sounds of laughter and children squealing with joy drift over the beach, a soundtrack that never fails to warm her.

Crescent Harbour is packed today. The Homani, clones, and some of the humans from Smith’s Farm have come to celebrate the mating gathering that will take place in three day’s time.

She loves how Gage gets so excited over the difference between how small the original ceremony was and how the mating gatherings expanded. With more clones and humans building relationships with the Homani over the years, the celebrations are no longer held in secret. As a result, the number of mated pairs has grown exponentially.

Lilly sits on her beach chair, surrounded by her long-time friends. Popping the top of her beer, she takes a long swallow of the cold, bitter brew. “God, that tastes heavenly,” she says to Calli who’s sitting next to her.

“I know, right? That first one after you’ve finally weaned the baby off breastfeeding is the best.” She tips up her own blueberry special.

“Tell me about it,” Beth says on her other side. “I thought Jax was going to have a conniption when I declared that little Petey was done sucking the life out of me.”

A fit of giggles has Lilly turning her head over to where a teenage Clara sits engrossed in a book, surrounded by their children. Lilly and Gage’s little boy, Harry, appears especially intent on vying for her attention.

“I can’t believe that it will be Clara’s turn to participate in the mating ceremony in a few more years. God, the time has flown by.” Lilly shakes her head.

Beth bursts out laughing. “If Jax has his way, Clara will stay on her studies with Doc until she takes over for him and never be allowed to participate.”

“I never said never,” Jax argues, coming up behind Beth and leaning over the chair to give her a kiss. “I just said that thirty to forty would be an acceptable age.”

“We agree,” Matt and Gage say in unison as they approach their mates.

“Dear Lord, our girls will never be allowed to mate with these guys being the overprotective fathers that they are. I want grandbabies someday!” Calli huffs, crossing her arms.

“Tell me about it,” Brook grumbles, coming up with twin girls on each hip and Finn following behind with their son.

Beth cackles at Matt’s and Jax’s identical looks of horror, and Gage sits down next to Lilly, pressing a quick kiss to her crown.

Lilly relaxes in her chair as the argument ensues, letting the familiar voices of the people she loves most wash over her. A smile forms on her lips as a rush of happiness flows through her.

“What’s got you so happy?” Gage murmurs into her hair, his voice pitched low.

She grins and shakes her head. There is no way to describe how she feels in this moment. The sheer joy. The sense of peace. The triumph. Their lives had started as part of a horror story, but they had stayed true to who they were and to each other. They had fought, loved, lost, and, against all odds, made something special in an unforgiving world.

And joy and happiness had followed.
