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“It was the prudent choice,” Elyria said. She examined Ana’s companions with a scrutinizing frown. “Perhaps the others might have followed the same wisdom.”

“Ludya is my vedhma,” Ana said. “Tyreste is my partner. Addy is my sister.”

Addy flushed deep, grinning.

“And Grigor is my...”

“Guardian,” he said with a scowl. “And onk—uncle.”

With one eye narrowed, Elyria nodded slowly at the man. Ana saw something else in her gaze though. In better circumstances, it would have been amusing witnessing Grigor’s strange ability to charm women of all walks of life.

The other Ravenwoods watched their high priestess, awaiting direction. All except Raelyria, who was occupied with shooting glares at Ana.

Elyria stepped toward Ana and guided her away from the group. “Varradyn was her cousin, her friend and, though it would never have happened, the one she’d hoped would win the right to stand as her high priest in a couple of years.” When Ana tried to look away, the high priestess gripped her by the chin and pinned her gaze forward. “I offer you forgiveness on behalf of our people, Anastazja Wynter. The others will forgive on their own time, Raelyria included. When we are again safe, the healing can begin.”

Ana lifted her gaze to Icebolt. Midnight Crest could not be seen from any point on the ground, even on a clear day, but she knew the way. The outline of the spires and ramparts was etched upon her soul, a reminder of the past and a portend of a future not yet written. “I have not tried... to fly. Since...”

“Your lover healed you,” Elyria said. “Whatever restrictions linger belong to fear.”

“Fear is its own form of power. When I reflect back...” Ana shook her head at the ground. “That was Magda’s greatest weapon against me.” She met Elyria’s eyes. “What if I cannot?”

Elyria pivoted, turning her attention to the skies. A cacophony of wings and cries followed, pulling Ana’s focus there as well. “Never in all our history have we invited men to the Rookery. Never did I imagine we would.” She closed her eyes and inhaled. “Even the wind has changed its song. We are not what we once were, and neither are you.”

Ana shook her head. She tugged her furs tighter as the swarming ravens whipped the air into a fury. “I don’t understand.”

“You wouldn’t,” Elyria said curtly. “They have come for your lover.”

Panic rose in Ana’s chest. She stepped in front of the high priestess. “What?”

“To carry him where his legs cannot go. You risk your life to right a wrong that was never yours to own.” Elyria looked down at her. “The child within you is equally his. He is entitled to the right to defend the lives of both of you.”

Ana was thunderstruck. She watched the ravens descend in the same awe she saw written on the faces of her family. Elyria hadn’t explained the logistics of how they would get Tyreste to the Rookery, but had she needed to? Was it not obvious what they intended?

“We can take you up the same way, Anastazja, but I don’t believe it’s necessary.”

Ana shook her head, though she wouldn’t know for sure if she could fly until she tried.

They returned to the group. Addy worked to catch Ana’s focus and signed,Never doubt what you are capable of. I believe in you.

Tears burned as Ana signed back,I aim to earn that belief tonight, Addy.

Tyreste’s palm nestled against her lower back, all the reminder she needed that he’d chosen to stand at her side.

The wings and caws turned to crunching boots and whispers as the last of the Ravenwoods landed.

“Silence,” Elyria declared. She said it so softly, her words dissipated in the wind, but her presence was enough to quiet the clusters of conversation. “There will be no grand speeches. No debating the merits of the renewed alliance, which wasmydecision to make. Anastazja knows what she must do, is prepared to do it, and is fully aware of the inherent risk to herself and her child.Weare here to remove all obstacles in her way until her work is done. To ensure safe passage toandfrom Midnight Crest. Is that understood?”

The Ravenwoods, both those who had been on the ground for hours and the newly arrived, nodded and verbalized their understanding. Some grumbled. Raelyria glowered. But none argued.

Elyria offered the moment to Ana with a nod.

Ana swallowed and stepped into the circle. A quick glance back at Tyreste gave her the last burst of strength needed. “I’ve never done this before. I have only the words and confidence of my Ancestors to guide me. Even now, I feel... I feelhimwithin me, searching for a way in. When I create the ward, I’ll be forced to shift my efforts from blocking him, and it will leave me vulnerable. I may fail. But if I do fail, I will because I tried. I will never again run and hide from what is right.”

“Praise the gods,” the Ravenwoods muttered.

Ana turned toward Tyreste. “They’ve offered to take you up, but, Tyr, you don’t have to do it. It’s utterly mad.”

“I know,” he said with a short smile. “But I’ve already accepted their offer.”
