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“When did you send it?”

“Earlier today, before the ceremony with the Ravenwoods. I didn’t think it could wait. It’s not enough to expel him from our lands and skies, Ana.” Tyreste brought his hands to her face and cradled it, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. “Is it?”

Ana met his eyes and shook her head. “No. It’s not.”

“And maybe... Maybe it’s not a trouble our generation will get the chance to solve,” he said. “But we can start the conversation. Put words and ideas into momentum so that someone, one day, will succeed where we’ve failed.”

She gazed up at her husband in awe. “When I met you, you were so determined to live a simple life. No complications. No troubles.”

“An easy choice for a man who has no reason to fight.” His throat jumped in a hard swallow. “Nothing to lose.”

Ana started to rise, to kiss him, but commotion across the tavern floor drew both their attentions.

“What in the Guardians,” Ana said on a heavy breath. “Is that...”

Tyreste clicked his tongue and crossed his arms. “Our fathers arm-wrestling on the bar? Yes, yes it is.”

“My money is on Olov,” Ana said, scrunching her nose in amusement.

“I wouldn’t count out old Arkhady just yet,” Tyreste replied. “But, eh... Maybe we take the opportunity, while everyone’s attentions are fixed on this embarrassing competition...”

Ana responded by clasping her hand in his and tugging him into motion behind her.

Ana’s wet hands slid along the edge of the basin, clamoring for grip. Her hips bucked over Tyreste’s face as his hungered groans rattled her clit, pushing her too close, too fast. His tongue worked the length of her, dipping down to gather more of her wetness every few delectable strokes, making her clench with wanting.

His thumbs parted her ass, and he plunged them in and out, one by one, something she had never imagined she’d enjoy but couldn’t get enough of. She pushed her ass down over him, needing more than his fingers, wet with her desire, could offer, knowing damn well what would come next. From the sounds reverberating from the back of his throat, he knew it too.

She shifted her weight to one side and chanced a reach for the table she’d pulled nearby. Had he even noticed her place the dagger there? Did he feel her reach for it then, to prick the same finger, in the same tender spot?

Ana lifted herself, enjoying the sound of his brief disappointment, which would make the pleasure so much stronger. She ran her bloody finger along her slit, wishing she could see his eyes light up. Instead she was rewarded with a low, throaty “fuck,fuck,” right before he claimed her hips and slammed her down onto his face.

Stars exploded in her eyes as an orgasm came out of nowhere. Her ass splashed the water as she thrashed over him, dragging his tongue everywhere all at once and screaming in pleasure as he pushed more digits inside her ass.

Ana sagged, still gripping the basin. The water level dropped as Tyreste came up out of the bath behind her, giving her no chance to react before he had one arm looped around her neck, the crown of his cock pressed against her ass.

“Yes,” she cried just as he shoved inside, filling her completely and transporting her to a new plane of pleasure, unlike any she’d known before. He thrust in long, painstaking strokes that had her feeling every last inch of him with every movement in... out.

“What you fucking do to me, Ana.” He moaned and pumped faster. She’d never known pain could be so pleasurable, and she wanted more, more, which she showed him by slamming back against his cock to drive him deeper.

He pulled on her throat, tilting her head back to kiss him upside down right as he shuddered and exploded inside her. She tilted to receive everything he had to give, consumed by another wave of ecstasy as his fingers brought her over the edge.

Ana wilted against him. He caught her and spun her, sinking into the tub. She climbed over him and reached between his legs to clean his cock in the warm water.

“Was it...” His glistening belly clenched with every stroke she made, his mouth parted as he locked her gaze. “Did I hurt you?”

“I’m going to want that every night,” she purred, rolling his cock up and down under the water. His eyes fluttered back. “But right now...” She lowered herself over him, his mouth widening with every inch of him she took in. “I want you to look me in the eye and give me everything you have.”

“It will always be yours.” He panted, breathless. He reached for her hips to direct her, but she swatted him away, planting her hands on his chest as she rode. “I love you so damn much, Ana. So much it hurts.”

“Then hurt me. Love me,” she whispered and lost herself to the safety of the life fate had stolen and then—beautifully, wonderfully, perfectly—given back.
