Page 23 of If Only You

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I feel her gaze on the side of my head, a thick silence before I’m shoved halfheartedly.

A little throaty laugh leaves her. “Seb Gauthier.” She shakes her head, then licks off another drop of ketchup that’s landed on her hand. “Only you could be both sweet and a total jerk in the same breath.”

“I’m not sweet,” I warn her. “I told you, it’s just for show.”

She nods, eyeing up her burger. “Mm-kay.”

I stare at her, my tongue pressed into my cheek. “You called me Seb.”

She’s about to bite into her burger when she glances my way. “You don’t like being called by your full name, so I figured I’d stop torturing you with it.”

Shrugging, I bring the milkshake to my mouth and draw a gulp through the straw. “Sort of feels weird now, you calling me something besides Sebastian.”

I fiddle with the straw, avoiding her eyes.

Ziggy’s quiet again, but her hand wraps gently around the milkshake and tugs it toward her. I can’t seem to let go, so I let her fingers tangle with mine, let her strength tug me close.

I shut my eyes as I list toward her, smelling her soft, clean scent, feeling her hair lift on the wind and whisper against my skin. When I open my eyes, she’s right there, sucking from the straw, eyes on me.

She sits back and licks her lips, peering at me thoughtfully. “‘Sebastian’ it is.”

“I still reserve the right to tell you to fuck off when you annoy me with how you say it.”

A snort-laugh leaves her. “I’d expect nothing less.” Then she takes another bite of her burger, chewing as she stares thoughtfully out at the parking lot, elbows braced on her knees.

She looks fucking perfect.

I lift my phone and take a photo. The moment she hears the synthesized sound of a shutter, her head whips my way. “Wawasdat?” she yells around her bite.

I bite back a laugh. “Settle yourself, Sigrid. I’m documenting your badassery, that’s all.”

She glares at me, then with surprisingly fast reflexes, yanks the phone out of my hand, rotating it so she can see the photo.

Her chewing stops. She swallows thickly, a painfully large bite, judging by how hard her throat works.

“What is it?” I ask.

She shrugs, sniffling. “I like it. A lot. I really do look badass.” She sniffles again and clears her throat.

“Don’t cry, for shit’s sake.”

She shoves the phone into my chest and shoves me, too, for good measure. “I’m not crying. The onions on the burger make my eyes water.”

“This response came on rather suddenly, rather late into your burger.”

“Shut up, Gauthier.” She tugs my phone back and with one hand starts typing.



I rest back on my elbows, watching her. “What are you doing with my phone?”

Hers dings in her back pocket. “Texting my phone from yours. Now you have my number and I have yours.”

My heart rate spikes. “What the fuck for?”

“Because friends have each other’s numbers, genius.” She tosses the phone on my lap and narrowly misses nailing me in the dick.
