Page 12 of Gibb

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For every climax that she had, he’d double his efforts to make her come all the harder. Losing count, not caring anymore if she lived or died when he finished with her, Maddy let her body roll and roll over the mountain of need and satisfaction again and again.

Her body was weak yet ready for more. Her mind was blank but for the endless pain/pleasure that it was experiencing. With each release, every small or large punch to her system, Maddy fell deeper and deeper in love with Gibb until she simply couldn’t anymore.

Lifting his head up, yanking him up by his soft dark hair, no words were needed to tell him what she needed from him. Standing up, she moaned with a new need. His cock, stiff and hard from his body, seemed to be ready for her, and she wanted him.

Moving up onto the bed, she felt it move and sway under his weight. His body and his hands touched her as his mouth and tongue tasted hers. The need to hold onto him, to keep him as close as she could for fear of exploding, Maddy held his mouth to hers as she wrapped her legs tightly around his. His cock sliding into her made her lose her barely-held consciousness. The climax of all releases dropped her over the edge.

When she woke, Gibb was making love to her slowly. Saying her name, telling her how much he loved her. Looking up at him, his smile was all that she needed to know that what she’d said earlier was true. She did love this man more than anything in this world or the next. Wrapping her legs around him again, ridding his waves of taking her too, Maddy told him that she loved him.

“And I you. You’re ready to breed love. We can make a child…I guess I should say that we’ve made a child.” Her happiness knew no bounds then. It filled her from her toes to her head with only those few words. “I need to fill you again, love. Christ, I can’t wait any longer.

He took her then. Like a man possessed, he fucked her hard. Holding on again, digging both her heels and nails into his body to keep him there, was all that she could think to do. His balls slapping hard against her ass, thinking of how full they felt to her. Then, Maddy screamed out a release that felt as if it were tearing her asunder, and there would be nothing she could do to stop it.

“Christ.” Gibb filled her. Even as he slammed his cock deep into her harder than he’d done before, she came again and again. Holding onto his shoulders now, his body slick with blood and sweat, Maddy kissed him savagely and hungrily until she couldn’t hold on any longer.

Gibb dropped atop her then. Even though he was quite heavy, she enjoyed the way he held her. After he rolled to the side, her body still a part of his, he laid back on the pillows there and reached for and found them a blanket to pull over them.

Sleep had never been something that came to her easily. Nor did it feel so overwhelmingly needed. But almost as soon as she closed her eyes, she felt her body so relaxed that nothing else entered her mind. Other than, of course, she was in love with Gibb Cross.

Chapter 6

It took Gibb most of the morning to work the kinks out of his body. Even taking a hot shower had done nothing to the soreness of his body. While he sat at the planter table, he thought a great deal about Maddy. And the way that she looked when he left her this morning. It was that, he told himself, or he’d stay with her all day, making them both more sore than they were at this moment.

She’d moaned when he got out of the bed. He might well have stayed and figured out what the moaning was about when he had felt his body seize up in pain. Not just like a pulled muscle either but like his body had been pulled on a rack and that someone was trying to make him several feet taller than he was now. Moving—really, he limped all the way to the bathroom and was positive that if there hadn’t been a towel in the room that he could use, he was going to dress himself wet and get out of the room before he begged Maddy to make his pain go away.

It was closer to noon now, and he was feeling a good deal better than he was at eight when he’d shown up. Still sore, he figured that he’d shift. However, when he’d thought about shifting and getting rid of the rest of the pain, he felt his bear actually cringe away from being freed. As if he’d suffered as much as he did making love to their mate. Gibb screamed and then winced when someone patted him on the back.

“Are you all right?” He glared at David, telling him that he startled him, that was all. “I’m sorry. I thought you heard me come in. I was making enough noise to wake the dead.”

“Sorry.” He planted a few more seeds in the dirt before he took a good look at the man. “You look happy. What’s going on today? Did you finally get it that you don’t need to chop all the wood in one day?”

“Something like that. I’ve been talking to Rusty. She is the cutest little thing, don’t you think?” He said she was just adorable. He’d not meant to sound so snappy, but it went right over David’s head. “Anyway, she lets me hold Joey off and on. While there, she told me what was going on with the baby’s father and mother. It’s not hers.”

“Rusty was the surrogate. I’m sure that it has her DNA.” David shook his head and explained. “Oh. So it’s just the father’s sperm that was used to create him. The mother didn’t donate any eggs? I don’t know why, but I figured that was the way that it worked when you used someone else to have your child. That, I don’t know, they both donated something.”

“I’m not sure either, but Joey was created by using Rusty’s egg and the father’s donation. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s Rusty and the dad’s baby. Paige has no rights to the child at all. The only person that she’d dealt with and who signed the contract with her was the mister. She didn’t tell me his name yet, but I’m sure she’ll trust me soon enough with that. I didn’t tell her that Paige and the man are divorced. Nor that her father came to see you.”

“His name is Howard Crawford. He, too, has been looking for Rusty, I was told, but not to harm her in any way. He just wants to make sure that she is paid for what she has done for the two of them. It’s a substantial amount of money, too. I guess that Rusty was going to stay with them for a few months in order to be able to breastfeed the baby for them.” David asked him who had told him that. “Mark and Jamie. After getting his name from Rusty, not through her telling us, by the way, they did a background check. Howard is a good man by all accounts. And didn’t have any idea what sort of person his wife was until it was too late. Jamie said that she only wanted the child so that she could get sympathy when it died as an infant. While in Rusty’s care, of course, so that people would feel sorry for her. And Rusty would be in prison for however, Paige dreamed up the murdering of her son would be. The town that they live in is on the verge of running them out of town. Paige figured that the baby would have them like her again. Not that she liked them, but that way, their kids could come around again, and she could hurt them. And she has done that for a long time.”

“So this Howard person is looking for Rusty to pay her for the job that she didn’t do for them? Do you believe that?” Gibb told his friend that he honestly did. “Okay. But I like this girl and her son. If he’s not on the up and up with her, then I’m going to have to kill him.”

“Just like that?” David told him that he’d grown quite fond of Rusty in the last few days. “Fond of her? Or love her? You deserve either one, David. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes. And it’s only a daughter-like fondness for her. I did…I hate to admit this, but I thought about falling in love with her. But first of all, I am old enough to be her father, so…gross. And secondly, I’m not ready for that yet. I’ve taken them both under my wing and want to treat her like the daughter I never had if she’ll have me. But I do love that little man. Have you ever seen a baby with such a full head of hair before? It’s like he’s wearing a wig or something.”

They both laughed, and Gibb could see that it had made David feel better. Not just being around the baby and his mother but to be able to be here, period. And even though they all teased him about chopping the wood all the time, it was going to come in handy this winter for not just their families but anyone in town who was in need of wood to heat their home as well. After David left him there, saying he was going into town for a few things, Gibb got back to work.

It was nearly dusk, coming along earlier, it seemed than even yesterday. He cleaned up his work area and made his way to the house. Maddy had told him last night that she had some things to do at the shop today and wouldn’t be home until late. Mark told him, too, earlier this morning that the shop was already showing a profit with having someone around as excited as Maddy seemed to be about their mountain.

“Dad, can I talk to you?” Gibb was just fixing some burgers to fry up when Maria came into the kitchen. Asking him if she could help, he showed her how to peel lettuce off the head so they could have plenty enough for their burgers. “Yesterday, when we were out in the woods, I saw a bunch of bugs. I don’t guess they’re bugs, really, but insects. Anyway, I was wondering if there are any bug insect shifters.” He stopped what he was doing and turned to her.

“Why do you ask me that?” She looked at him seriously, then back at the lettuce and didn’t answer. “You have a reason for asking me that, honey. What caused you to think about that after telling me that you’d been in the woods when you saw them. I’m not mad, Maria, but curious, that’s all.”

“I saw some of them that looked like little people.” She continued to pull lettuce off the head until he had to put his hand over hers to stop. As it was now, they had enough for several hundred burgers as well as salads too. “They spoke to me, Dad. Like I could understand them and everything. They asked me about your granny and grandpa.”

“You told them that she died.” She nodded. “Did you also tell them that grandda had been killed?” She nodded again.

Gibb put the platter of burger meat on the counter and sat down. He had to think. While he’d heard of little people his entire life, he’d never actually seen one. Much less spoke to one, either. However, he also knew that they were good friends to his grandparents.
