Page 19 of Gibb

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All his life, Barron had told them that he wasn’t going to have a mate. It took them all teasing him to find out that it wasn’t a mate that he didn’t want but the idea of it. He wanted a life partner. Someone that he could spend his days with every day and still be able to have a conversation with, too.

He wanted a friend, a lover and someone that he could depend on. He, too, had wanted the same things for his partner. It just then occurred to Gibb that it was just what he had with his own mate. Maddy was all those things and more to him. Looking back at his brother’s home, he realized something else.

Of all the brothers, Barron was the most prepared for a mate. His house had been finished for years. Updated just last year with new kitchen appliances as well as the carpets taken out. The wood floors throughout the house were beautifully done and polished. There was plenty of wood stacked along the fence line to keep the place warm for years if need be.

Gibb also knew for a fact that his brother’s furniture was comfy, well made and something that blended in with the surrounding mountains as much as the man did. Of all of them, too, Barron was the most rugged man. The one that would go into the mountains to find what he needed and make it over all of them.

In that moment, he was jealous of his brother and his new…his partner. They could, and more than likely would be able to stay on the mountain forever and never leave for anything that would be purchased in town. If it wasn’t from the mountain or made by them, then it wasn’t necessary for the two of them to have. Getting in his car, Gibb was happy.

Reaching out to his own partner, he told Maddy what he thought was going on. How he thought that Barron had met his match. Spending only a little bit of time with Caitlynne from the airport to here, he knew so much about her that he felt, as she said, that he’d known her forever. She was going to be the steading hand in the Cross family. She was going to be what Granny had been for them. The glue of the family. The one that would get them together again for holidays, even birthdays.

It was nearly supper time when he heard from Barron. He was all right. He and Cailynn had buried the little family and were going to chill at his home for a few days. Yes, he told him when he asked, Caitlynn was his partner. The one he’d been waiting on his entire life.

Sitting in his own living room that night, Gibb was excited for brother Ewing. The youngest of all of them and the last to find his mate. Things, just as his grandparents would tell them all the time, were moving on. There would be babies born on their mountain. Partners brought up there as well. The Crosses, generations of them, would never leave the mountain, and there would be land there for them forever. Gibb was a happy man.
