Page 29 of Redemption

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His grin widens but he doesn’t answer. My mind warps right back to the night with Kerry. We Salvatore/Russo men are known to play rough, whether it be in killing or fucking. I wonder if I went too far, if she’ll ever let me back in if I show up again.

Not if. When. I already know I can’t stay away.

Luci narrows his eyes. “Did you do the girl yet?”

I have no idea if he means fuck or kill.

“I’m not killing her.”

“All right—”

I’m not sure I’m hearing him right. Then suspicion grows in me.

“I’ll get Roarke, then. What’s with you, Christian? You never hesitated before.”

I fight to stay calm even though I want to throw myself at him. A fight between the two of us would be even, we’re fairly equal in height and strength. But he’s got a house full of his people, and probably a gun somewhere within reach. Salvatore won’t kill me. His sister, my mother, would never speak to him again, and she’s the only one he has some amount of respect for, but he wouldn’t hesitate to put me in the hospital.

“She can’t pin anything on you. The blabbering of a kid, her own mind running amok, too vivid an imagination, that’s all. You’re being unreasonable. It’s been a week. Has she spoken yet? Talked to a cop? No. What the fuck got your panties in a twist?”

“You may be right, or not, but it’s not your call, nephew. I call the shots; you do what I tell you—”

“Fuck you!”

“Or I’ll call Roarke. It’s as simple as that.”

“He’s fucking ruthless, he’d—”

“So were you! Up until some days ago. She’s just some chick. There are millions out there. Get yourself in order and go back and shoot her for fuck’s sake!”

I stand, a red haze clouding my mind.

“Do it, or I’ll go get young Angela and rein in that fucking stray!”

It’s as if I deflate, all air leaving my lungs. Sinking back onto the chair, I swallow against the choking feeling in my throat.


“I’ve let her run loose long enough, chasing some ridiculous dream. She needs to come back to the fold, get married, pop some kids, and start engaging in the business.

My head spins. My little sister. It would kill her, forced into this life that she loathes and fears, forced to marry, forced to give up her art.Fuck!

I’ve known Kerry a few days.

My relationship with my sister has been the only semblance of love I’ve known, the only one I’ve fought to protect at all cost. I was fifteen when she came into the world, all of us made fatherless in a senseless killing as she pulled her first breath. I held the wrinkly little infant, my heart bursting in sorrow and in joy at the same time.


There’s no option.

Hewilldo it. He would destroy her, making her his little puppet. There’s nothing to negotiate.

Luciano Salvatore knows our weaknesses; he owns us all.

“I’ll do it.”

My voice is dull, lacking all life. I close my heart and put the lid on, forcing Kerry’s trusting face out of my mind. She’s just flesh and electrical impulses between neurons. We all are. We all die.

There are millions of women out there.
