Page 53 of Redemption

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“We’ve tried to reach you all fucking day. Did you turn off your phone, you fuck?”

“I’ve been occupied.”

He answers with a sneer. “Luci wants a word.”

“Fine, I’ll call him.”

“Now. As in, we’re going.”

“Or what?”

Eric raises his eyebrows. “What the fuck’s got you in a twist? Just go see your fucking uncle, man.”

“Says his good little puppy.”

Eric throws out his hands. “You either come with me, without a fuss, or the next visit won’t be as friendly.”

I frown, weigh my options. “Fine. I’m going in my own car.”

“No. I’m driving you.”

I open my mouth to protest, but he interrupts me.

“Just do it, Russo.”

“All right.” I sigh. “Lead the way.”

We drive in silence. Eric ignores me completely, hostility oozes off him.

Salvatore sits on his back patio, catching the last rays of sun, a glass of red wine in his hand. No doubt from the mother country. He only drinks Italian.

“Christian! My long-lost son. Have a seat!”

I fall down on one of the chairs. The warmth in the air, and the stillness of his neatly trimmed garden is soothing, and I can’t help relaxing a bit, temporarily letting my troubles sink to the back of my mind. I have no idea why it was so important to get me here. A new mission I assume. If he’s sending me off somewhere, I’ll disappear. I’m not leaving San Francisco until I have Kerry.

“What’s so important man?”

“You’ve been unusually hard to catch today. What’s up?”

“Just running some errands, is all.”

He narrows his eyes. “Tell me, is the girl still alive?”

I stiffen. We’re going there again? He’s not letting this go. I know he’ll be sending someone else for her. My time is really fucking short.

“I’m on it.”

“Your ‘on it’ seems to drag. Not very you to be so slow.”

I’m silent. I don’t know how to respond to that. He’s right. I’ve worked with a machine’s efficiency my whole life. Up until the last couple of months.

“She better be in one piece, nephew.” His voice grows darker, colder.

I frown. “As it happens, she is. What are you saying?”

“That you’re letting her go. You’re not to touch a hair on her head, or I’ll throw you in chains and send you off to your mama on the next flight to Chicago.”

Confusion, and a spark of hope grows in me. “Why?”
