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Her question brought a nod from me as I admired the determination etched across her face. “That’s right.”

“Why isn’t Sadie with you?” I asked suddenly, the question slipping from my lips before I could stop it. The absence of the playful Labrador was felt—her energy had a way of filling up space that was endearing.

Jude laughed softly, her eyes twinkling. “I just checked my sugar and all is well. I didn’t think the rest of the panel would appreciate her snoring under the table during the interview.”

“True,” I conceded, chuckling lightly. “Still, it might sound crazy, but I kind of miss her.”

As the words left my lips, I couldn’t help the thought that followed,I missed you too. But those words remained left unsaid, sealed away for the time being. The tension in the small confines of the elevator was palpable, an undercurrent of unspoken words and lingering glances. And in the midst of it all, the desire to blur the line between professional and personal threatened to overwhelm me. But I remained silent, knowing there was a time and place for everything.

The silence that fell over us was heavy, the air thick with unspoken sentiments and lingering tension. It was Jude who finally shattered it, her voice softer than before.

“I’m sorry,” she began, her gaze briefly meeting mine before shifting back to the elevator’s doors. “For not calling or texting. I realized I don’t have your number.”

The confession coaxed a chuckle out of me, a humor-filled balm to the escalating tension. “Funny, I realized the same thing when you left,” I admitted, the confession easing the stiffness that had gradually taken root in the small, confined space of the elevator.

Then, she said something that caught me completely off guard. “Don’t give me the job because of what happened between us,” she implored, her gaze steady and serious as she met my eyes.

I held her gaze, my respect for her burgeoning. “Jude,” I began, keeping my tone level, “I wouldn’t do that. If you’re the best candidate, you’ll get the job. If not, you won’t. Simple as that.” I wanted her to know that while the cabin had given me a glimpse of the captivating woman she was outside of work, it wouldn’t influence my judgment in a professional setting.

Her integrity was one of the things I admired most about her. I could see how much she valued it, and I wanted to assure her that my own integrity was equally unshakeable.

We stepped out of the elevator in unison, the soft murmur of the hospital hallway immediately filling the void. Jude glanced around, taking in her surroundings with an air of professional curiosity. I took a moment to point her in the right direction.

“The interview will be conducted in the office down the hall to the left,” I informed her, my voice slightly huskier than I’d have liked.

She thanked me with a nod and a soft smile before turning to make her way toward the conference room. As she walked away, my eyes were involuntarily drawn to the sway of her hips. The fabric of her slacks hugged her perfectly, accentuating an ass I vividly remembered cradling in my hands. The memory of her, raw and unashamed beneath me, ignited a surge of desire that left me momentarily breathless.

Shaking my head to rid myself of the distracting imagery, I ducked into my office, needing a moment to collect myself. I wasn’t usually one to let my physical responses get the better of me, but with Jude, it seemed I was constantly in new territory.

Just as I managed to wrestle my arousal under control, the buzz of the intercom jolted me. My assistant’s voice floated through the room, pulling me from my thoughts. “Dr. Montivais, the interview is about to start.”

With a deep breath to steady myself, I made my way out of the office.

Upon entering the room, I saw Jude standing alongside Dr. Sydney McCann, our retiring floor manager, and Debbie Waller, an HR representative. The sight of her gave me a familiar rush, but I quickly pushed those feelings to the back of my mind.

“Good morning, Dr. Montivais,” Dr. McCann greeted me, offering me a warm smile.

“Good morning, Dr. McCann,” I replied, nodding in acknowledgment.

Then I turned my attention to Jude. Our eyes locked, and it was as if a silent conversation passed between us. She extended her hand toward me, and I took it, feeling an unexpected charge from the brief contact.

“Dr. Montivais,” she said, her voice steady. Her professionalism was evident, a stark contrast to the passionate woman I’d spent time with at the cabin.

“Ms. Langdon,” I responded, matching her formal tone. I let go of her hand, but the sensation of our touch lingered, a tantalizing echo of intimacy.

“Let’s get started, shall we?” said Debbie, beckoning us to the conference table.

I took a seat, doing my best to shift my thoughts back into professional mode. It wasn’t easy, not with Jude sitting across the table from me. But I had to be Dr. Montivais, the professional, not Tony, the man who’d shared an unforgettable weekend with her.

I steeled myself, focusing on the matter at hand. “Alright,” I said, settling into my seat, “let’s proceed.” The interview began, but as much as I tried to maintain a professional demeanor, part of me couldn’t help but relish the prospect of getting to know Jude better. Even in a formal setting. I would take whatever I could get.

Chapter 15


As I stepped out of the conference room, a wave of self-assurance washed over me. Maybe I was being a touch overconfident, but I couldn’t help but feel that I had aced the interview. I had fielded their questions with ease, offered comprehensive strategies for tackling scheduling issues and curtailing excessive overtime, and been well-prepared for the more routine interview inquiries.

As I exited, I could see the satisfaction in the faces of the HR rep and the lead doctor on the OR floor. Their smiles were wide, contagious, and their eyes sparkled with approval. It seemed as if they had already decided that I was at the top of their list. I hoped so anyway.
