Page 42 of Blue Skies

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“I’d say I ruined the mood, but I guess I didn’t after all,” Holden murmured. “I was hoping to kiss you and tell you to listen to your heart, but my body’s not as nimble as it used to be.”

“I don’t know about that,” Greg said. He thrust his hips upward, causing Holden to grip tighter with his legs, which made Greg rock forward again until the water in the hot tub threatened to crest over the edges.

Laughing, they settled back and stared at each other. Greg saw longing in Holden’s gaze, and it blew his mind that it was for him. It had been a long time since someone had wanted him as much as Holden seemed to, especially not after they learned about all his complications. He didn’t think it was possible given all the conversations they’d had, all the time of being together, but if Holden turned out to be just another jackass, it might kill him.

“I’m going to kiss you now,” Holden said. “Is that okay?”

Greg nodded. As Holden closed the distance between them, it was difficult for Greg to keep gripping the side of the hot tub because he wanted to have his hands on Holden’s body. He wanted to explore and touch it, but he was held by Holden’s weight and legs, his arms outstretched and chest fully exposed. And then Holden’s mouth was on his.

He let go of the side, raised his hands to cup Holden’s face in his hands, to keep him in this position, keep kissing. But he didn’t have to worry. Holden wasn’t going anywhere, and Greg loved that. Loved that Holden was content to kiss and caress. “Content” wasn’t even the word for it because it implied he was doing this while he’d really rather be doing something else with Greg, and that wasn’t the sense Greg got at all. Kissing wasn’t just a means to an end like it had been for so many of Greg’s past encounters, the appetizer on the way to the main dish. In this moment, it was the entire meal, and Holden was all in on enjoying it.

Holden rocked his hips forward, sitting up straight and using his increased height to tilt Greg’s head back, making Greg’s mouth open more so Holden could kiss him deeper. Greg was only too happy to allow it, wanting to feel the velvet caress of Holden’s tongue filling his mouth. Holden’s hips jutted forward again, his erection pressing against Greg’s abdomen, and then he rocked back, and his ass skimmed over Greg’s cock. They both groaned at the same time, and Holden did it again, and then a third time.

His cock was hardening from the friction, pressing more firmly against Holden’s ass, and a flicker of worry passed through his mind. Holden had to feel it. This had so often been the make-or-break moment in the past.

“It’s just an erection, Greg,” Holden murmured against his lips. “It doesn’t mean anything unless you tell me it does.”

Greg tilted his head back so he could see Holden’s expression, could try to judge if he was being fed a line. But, no, Holden met his gaze directly, his lively eyes full of both heat and understanding.

Holden’s cock chose that moment to make its presence known, and Greg felt it tap against his abs.

“And that’s another one,” Holden said, a wry grin pulling the corners of his mouth upward. “And it doesn’t change a thing either. I don’t need to have an orgasm to get rid of it. I figured that out when I was in seventh grade.”

“I’ve never had that problem.”

“Consider yourself lucky. It’s one thing for a guy to get a hard-on when one of the cheerleaders bends over to pick something up; it’s another thing when it happens because the captain of the football team does the same thing.” Holden leaned in and rested his forehead against Greg’s. “I have been pretending and hiding for most of my life,” he said. “You have no idea how exhausting that is and how much of a relief it is to be myself with you. I’ve never had that with anyone before. Thank you.”

Heat bloomed on Greg’s face, but not because of the hot tub. “Sometimes I can’t believe you’re real,” he said.

“I know. Because I feel the same way.”

“And I can’t believe I’ve only known you for two days because…” Greg stopped, took a breath. Was he really going to lay out how he felt? But then Holden shifted on his lap, and it reminded him of everything they’d just said, and how wonderful Holden was about everything, and how easy it was to be with him. He took another breath. “…because it already feels like you’re a part of me.”

Holden nodded slightly, their foreheads still connected. “Yeah,” he said softly. “Exactly.”

They kissed some more until Holden said that his knees were starting to complain and shifted back to his original position with his back against Greg’s chest. Greg trailed his fingers idly over Holden’s shoulder, then dipped lower to play with the curls on his chest, occasionally flicking a fingernail against one of his nipples. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so content.

“I love being here,” he said, keeping his voice low. “I loved it when I was a kid, and it was always good to come up here when I visited my folks. Since they moved up here, it’s been a place to relax, unwind, slow down. The rest of the world doesn’t exist when I’m here.” He wrapped both arms around Holden. “I’m glad you came with me.” The sudden thought of what he would have missed out on if Holden hadn’t said yes or hadn’t invited Greg to share his hotel room made Greg tighten his hold. “I’m glad you said yes.”

“I’m starting to think there’s not a lot I wouldn’t say yes to if it concerns you,” Holden said. He turned in Greg’s arms. “What do you say we get out of here, go inside, and lie down in front of that fire?”

Greg turned his head and saw the cabin bathed in the golden glow of a fire crackling away in the fireplace. Holden must have started it before he came outside. “That sounds like an excellent suggestion.”

They got out of the tub—Holden offering his hand so Greg didn’t put his bandaged hand down in a puddle—toweled off, grabbed their wineglasses, then went inside leaving the robes where they were. The air was cold enough for steam to rise from their bodies as they crossed the deck, but Greg didn’t have time to feel the cold before he was lying on the plush rug in front of the fire. Holden refilled their glasses from the bottle in the minifridge, and he handed both glasses to Greg then returned to the kitchenette to retrieve something else. Propping himself up on an elbow, Greg tried to see what he was doing, but all he could see was Holden’s backside. Not a bad view, and definitely something worth watching while he waited for his curiosity to be satisfied. When Holden finally turned, he was holding a tray of bite-sized desserts.

“When did you get those?” Greg asked as Holden settled next to him.

“I am a man of hidden talents.” He held a chocolate-drizzled strawberry out for Greg. “While I was using the restroom, I also asked for a selection of desserts to be left on our doorstep.”

Greg ate the strawberry from Holden’s hand, then looked at the plate Holden had placed between them. In addition to the strawberries, tiny portions of chocolate pot de crème, white chocolate mousse with berries, and tiramisu were arranged around a handful of truffles, cookies, and chocolate-dipped fruit.

“What would you like?” Greg asked.

“Anything chocolate,” Holden replied, then laughed when Greg leaned toward him and offered his chocolate-stained lips. “That’ll do.”

The food and wine were forgotten while they kissed. Holden had his fingers in Greg’s hair while Greg trailed his hand down Holden’s side and watched goose bumps rise on his skin. He didn’t know who moved first, Holden or himself, but they both sank to the floor, Holden lying beneath him, their bodies connected from chest to toes. And their lips. Kissing Holden was better than any dessert the pastry chef might have made because it lit Greg up, warmed him, made him aware of everything that touched his body. The rug beneath his knees and elbows, the air that moved around them, and Holden’s skin. So much skin turned golden by the glow from the fire. So much skin available to be kissed and teased and caressed and stroked.

Greg reached over to the tray and picked up another strawberry. He held it above Holden’s mouth so he could take a bite, then took a bite for himself. When they kissed again, their mouths tasted of chocolate and slightly sweet fruit. Then Holden lifted his head, chose a truffle, and held it up for Greg. They worked their way through the desserts like this for a while, trading bites of sweets and kisses until they forgot about the food and concentrated on each other.
