Page 61 of Blue Skies

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Greg grinned at him. “Sap,” he said, but he pulled Holden into another kiss.

They were interrupted by Greg’s parents. Holden hugged Rose and shook hands with Jason and thanked them for all they’d done for his mother.

Rose waved his thanks aside. “Marilyn was, hands down, the easiest wedding client we’ve ever had. It was our pleasure.”

“Well, I still appreciate it.”

Jason cleared his throat, and Greg knew his parents had something else on their minds. He knew he was right when they looked at each other, then back at him and Holden.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Your dad and I have been talking,” Rose started. “And you don’t have to say yes if it’s not what you want. But we’re thinking of stepping back from running the inn.”

“You’re thinking of selling?” Greg asked.

“Not at all.” Jason held up his hand to forestall Greg’s protest. “We’d like to hand the reins over to the two of you. If you’re willing.”

Greg turned to Holden, who looked as stunned as he felt. They’d been working at the inn for several years now, but Greg hadn’t imagined his parents retiring. In the way that they always were, he could tell Holden was on the same page as him. He reached out for his husband’s hand, and Holden gave him a quick nod before Greg looked back at his parents.

“We’d be honored,” he said.

Rose clapped her hands, then embraced Greg and pulled both Holden and Jason into the hug.

“What are you going to do?” Holden asked after they stepped back from each other.

As giddy as a young girl, Rose turned an infectious grin up at Jason. “We’re going to Italy. Next month.”

Holden started to tell them that was great at the same time Greg said, “So, what if we’d said no?”

“Was that really going to happen?” Rose asked, and when Greg shook his head, she nodded. “This place is special to you. It’s your home. We know you’ll take good care of it.” She took both Greg’s and Holden’s hands in her own. “Just like I knew you’d take good care of each other the first time I saw you together.”

Greg hugged his mother and was grateful when his father led her toward the dance floor.

“I did not see that coming,” Holden said.

“Me either. And yet, it’s kind of perfect, isn’t it?”

“It is. Just like you.” Holden turned to him and took him into his arms. “I didn’t see you coming either, and yet, here we are. Perfect.”

“Yes, we are.”

And just like he had on their first night at the inn, Holden took Greg’s hand and spun him out and then in, dipping him backward until he was almost parallel to the ground.

“See?” Greg said. “Perfect.” Then he looped his arms around his husband’s neck and kissed the heck out of him.

The End
