Page 16 of Auctioned Mate

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Mentally shutting out my friends was a challenge. For nothing could prevent me from remaining in contact with them other than the vixen in front of me who seemed to be swaying more the longer I touched her. I wanted to kiss her, but I knew better than to do that. She was already under enough duress.

I had to save her like I didn’t save the others.

That was my sole focus.

“Juriah,” she managed to whisper. She attempted to peel open her eyes. “Are you doing that?”

“I’m calming you, yes.”

Her lids fluttered. “Do you want me?”

“I…I just…” I licked my lips, picturing hers pressed to mine. “I do.”

“Why don’t you just take me if you want me?”

That was a rather apt question, wasn’t it? Desires here didn’t seem to be guarded with much more than mere drive. Back home, my moral compass was solid. Here, it seemed to be tapped at every turn. What was typically north felt like south, and I wasn’t sure which way to turn.

I knew I had to save Macy. I knew I had to perform for these disgusting creatures and their strange appetites. Surely a kiss wouldn’t be out of place for anyone. As I rested my hand over her heart, I felt the carnal ways in which she wanted me. My energy reflected such yearning.

“Macy, look at me,” I commanded, tapping just under her chin to grab her attention. Her eyelids split open. “Is that really what you want?”

She swallowed and then nodded. “Yes.” Her eyes were as lucid as clear streams. “Please, take me. Before one of the others does it for you.”

I must have been harboring a backlog of lust from so many days spent in a certain kind of abstinence, for my body moved before I could think of it. My mouth sought hers as my hands circled her wide waist, indulging in her pillowy softness as she cooed. Oh, those delightful sounds were absolutely wretched in the way they tugged at my heartstrings.

A tingling energy rose from the bangle around her wrist. Ah, so the bracelet was doing its job. Though I wasn’t entirely familiar with how things were done here in the criminal world, I had to imagine they had magic protection in place as any enemy would. This bracelet located Macy by her warmth and liveliness—which meant warming her up would alert them of our activities.

It was the perfect cover for a little while.

My longing for her kicked up a notch when she rubbed her breasts against my chest. I hugged her tightly to me, nearly crushing her with a magnificent strength I forgot most creatures weren’t able to handle. She squeaked, alerting me that she was being hurt, and I released her immediately, settling her back into the couch as I tugged her dress up over her delicious thighs.

“Sit still,” I instructed. “Just lie back and let me do everything.”

Sample the product.

What a horrible thing to say about a luscious woman like Macy. She was delicate and sweet, a feisty vixen with a heart that beat true in her chest. The last time I had encountered such a beautiful creature had been in Estaria—and that hadn’t lasted particularly long. This one wouldn’t either.

But did that mean I had to skip the parts that provided pleasure?

Lace panties blocked my path. I tore them off and exposed her mound, taking a moment to admire her smooth slit beaded with a line of arousal. I dove in to taste her, instantly feeling her hands at the back of my head and neck. Urgency promptly appeared, a desperate desire to free her from the bonds in which she was locked.

It wasn’t the situation, no. It was more than that. I sensed a blockage in her energy. Whatever had happened to cause it wasn’t apparent. But I knew unwinding her would help alleviate some of that tension. Another lick caused her to clamp her thighs around my head. That reaction only furthered my cause, inspiring me to lap generously over her slit and clit as I dug my fingers into her thighs.

She massaged the back of my head, applying pressure each time I passed over a particularly sensitive zone. Her aura glowed with satisfaction the more I worked, its evidence blooming inside me as much as my desire for her. Every time she snapped her legs together, I felt ever the more encouraged to please her.

Muffled gasps echoed above, highlighting her approaching eruption. As I popped her knees apart, I leaned deeper into my work, burying my mouth into her slit and shaking my head side to side. Labored panting replaced her moans, and then she was riding my face hard enough to break my neck.

After several jagged humps, she went vividly still, releasing a long groan broken up by random gasps. She slumped onto the couch as I sat back and wiped my face. The darling wolf woman was a puddle, a complete mess, but she had to know I wasn’t through with her just yet. We still had a bigger performance to accomplish, one that would at the very least solidify our case as a typical underground transaction.

That was all this was, a perfectly curated performance in which both of us agreed we wanted the same thing. I shucked my pants and underwear to the ground before stepping out of them. Macy struggled to open her eyes, whimpering as she beckoned me with her arms to get between her legs. She lifted her knees to her chest and exposed more of her slit to me, glossy arousal decorating every possible spot.

The smile on my lips was pure satisfaction. Just witnessing her pleasure was enough to please me. Having more of her would cause my cup to overflow.

“Please,” she begged at once. “More. Just…more.”

Who was I to deny a lady a most delicate request?

Earnestness propelled my movements as I crawled on top of her. My cock plopped against her slit, rattling her with a great shiver that told me she was equally excited and intimidated. Given my size compared to her entrance, I knew it would be a bit of a challenge—it would take some time—but I had enough to spare for her.
