Page 19 of Auctioned Mate

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Juriah, Izdor warned inside my skull.Don’t take his life force, friend. Just knock him out.

The smile I wore promised to meet my enemy in an honorable battle. And to my friend, I replied,With pleasure.

Chapter 8 - Macy

Angels were real.

Angels were very muchreal.

My eyes weren’t making this shit up. I hadn’t been drugged (no matter how much my brain tried to convince me that I was high as balls) and I wasn’t dreaming either. Goddess, the world had changed in literally half a second. The halo of light, the impression of divinity—I’d been right about that.

But at the same time, I wasn’t. Because his eyes didn’t seem to be the right shade for angels. I mean, they were supposed to have a lot of eyes, right? All those weird paintings people made, the digital drawings of angels, had dozens of eyes and multiple wings. Juriah had two of both.

White eyes. Grayish white wings. Double the size. Incalculable his anger.

Every moment I spent in my human form watching him made me feel a combination of sheer terror and exhilaration. And how? The man I had just slept with was now jumping into a fight with a man I had once slept with. Just watching the two of them circle each other—Juriah barely moving an inch while trying not to smash into the walls around him while Rick wore his usual wolf form—made it seem like pure fantasy.

I literally lived inside this world. I saw people perform magic. I experienced magic to the fullest extent. I wore it and used it myself on many occasions. It hadn’t ever truly occurred to me that things could get, well,weirderat some point in my life. I’d seen it all.

Or I thought I had.

My heart beating and chest heaving, I couldn’t help but watch. I heard the stampede of people behind me skitter to a halt. Some weapons clattered to the ground. Mouths were agape just like mine, or I had to figure that was happening behind me. Because I truly couldn’t take my eyes off the massive creature now swiping at Rick.

“Is that…?”

“It can’t be.”

“What kind of creature does that?”

Irritation claimed me as I whirled around to face the hoard of men holding various weapons and charged magical charms. Without being shy about it, I dropped my dress and transformed into my magnificent wolf, silver and onyx fur glowing with a supernatural sheen that always came right after the shift. I leaped into action and tore into the first man I got my jaws on.

He howled like a puppy. Once I snapped my head back, I heard the distinctripof a joint popping out of place and tossed the man over my shoulder like he was a chew toy. Thethwackof his body against the cement wall sounded grossly satisfying—and managed to scare away two of the remaining guards.

My eyes swept the crowd. Eight men in total, two of them centaurs. Well, that would be a great show for somebody. Maybe they could make a little money off this fight. Seeing as the announcer hadn’t appeared, I wondered if he’d split with whatever money he could grab like the spineless devil he was, or if he was vocalizing the fight for the patrons at the bar.

It didn’t matter. I had to get out of here with Juriah. He’d mentioned someone named Izdor, or something like that, so I guessed he had people waiting for him outside. If he didn’t make it out there, they would likely attack. And I wouldn’t have time to defend my position if his people didn’t know what I looked like.

Wolves growled on the other side of the crowd, shoving aside some of the men as two of them flew into action. Juriah appeared at my side instantly and swatted the two flying men away while I caught the jugular of the first wolf in my grasp. I swung him around in a circle before launching him at the other two attacking wolves.

Juriah growled with such booming authority it almost sounded like our fight was happening in a grand cathedral, great gaping archways and glass-stained windows included. Fear crept through my system as I swiped one wolf and headbutted another, managing to keep them off Juriah’s legs while barely keeping the rest at bay.

I was overwhelmed. And just when I was getting scared of injury, Juriah swung his giant arm in front of me, swatting off the two wolves and another two men. A few more from the group ran off, the injured wolf included. Five men stood their ground while shuddering as Juriah stood at full height again.

Rick pounced for Juriah. I launched myself from the ground, guarding Juriah’s neck before Rick could land so much as a bite. I took a hard blow to the ribs, but the skin didn’t break from the chomp, probably because Rick didn’t actually want to injure me. We landed on the ground and then rolled until both of us slammed into a wall.

“Macy!” Juriah’s voice cracked the air like thunder.

He grabbed me by the scruff and set me on the ground next to my dress and the velvet bags I had collected. One of them was tied to his belt. He checked me all over, combing quickly through my fur, and then bared his deadly canines at the remaining two men. Three of them were motionless on the ground, blood pooling around them. Were they dead?

“Shift,” Juriah commanded, his voice coming from three places at once, in various pitches. “Go back to your human form, grab the bags, and hang on to me.”

More shouts erupted from the other end of the hall. Well, I wasn’t about to argue with this dangerous angel. I shifted back into human form, yanked on my dress, and grabbed the three bags. Once I had tied them to his belt, I clung to his waist, trying to process what had just happened.

Where was Rick?Percy?What was going to happen once we got out of here?

Juriah sped toward the exit and slammed the door open. Cement and brick crumbled from where we broke out, tumbling into the alley after us. Part of me heard the zipping of spells and other various objects in our direction, but I was too preoccupied by the fact that the ground beneath my feet had completely given way.

I was in the air. I wasflying.
