Page 61 of Auctioned Mate

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“No, we can’t. But I think I have a better idea.”

He waited patiently as I continued staring at the tips of my boots. They were the perfect size, a gift from Raven the other day. Part of me was tempted to click them together. Would it make me wake up from this awful dream?

Take your time, his voice came again.

I smiled weakly. “I think I should give myself up. Could you bust in and save me?”

“Little wolf, no.”

“I think it’s our best option. You can communicate with Galanthia and Raven. They can easily get their forces together while I talk Percy down. Even if your friends aren’t in there, we can handle this situation without too much of a fuss.”

His features darkened. “I can’t let you go in there alone.”

“I’m the person they want, Juriah. I’m the one he’s after, remember?”

“That doesn’t mean you have to be reckless.”

Funny enough, I thought it was reckless of him to handle Percy the way he did this afternoon. Sure, things had actually worked out, but had they really if Izdor and Etta were taken? And how had they gotten the jump on such powerful creatures? That was the thing about Percy that people didn’t get—he was sneaky. He could make things happen.

And that was a scary thing in this situation.

I sighed. “It’s not reckless if it’s calculated.”

“Macy, please.”

“I know you want to protect me. But have you ever considered that maybe I want to protect you too?”

His eyes glossed over with something I knew all too well.

Tears. They were tears.

He gripped my shoulders lightly. “Why are you hot one moment and cold the next?”

“Probably trauma,” I joked. “But honestly, Juriah, I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose this before it…” I clutched his hands. “I don’t even know what it is. But I don’t want it to go away before I’ve figured it out. Okay?”

“You’re a stubborn woman.”

I chuckled tearfully, feeling the sobs start to clog up my throat. They would just have to wait because I had shit to do first. “I’ve been called worse.”

“I don’t want to call you worse.”

“Juriah, your friends are good people. Izdor and Etta showed me so much kindness today. They took me to you because they knew I missed you. I didn’t even really say it, but they knew. That’s goodness if I ever saw it.”

I almost cackled but remembered there were wolves nearby who weren’t on our side.

“I haven’t seen much goodness in my life, but that’s what it felt like. Just goodness.”

“Izdor is my best friend.” He went quiet for a moment. “Would you really risk your life to get him and Etta back?”

I slowly nodded as a tear escaped my left eye. He swept it away. I smiled so hard that I thought my cheeks would explode. “Yes, Juriah. I would risk everything for you. Why do you think I fight you so much? Because I want to fightwithyou. I want us to protect each other.”

“I don’t want to lose you in the process.”

“Well, I guess that just means you have to trust me, right?”

He smiled wryly. “You mean like how you have to trust me?”

Alright, he had me there. My eyes rolled with a hint of annoyance, but honestly, I was just happy that he agreed with me. For once, we weren’t bickering like a married couple. We were working together like one.
