Page 74 of Auctioned Mate

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“They sound stubborn.”

He chuckled. “You would know.”

“Alright, now you’re just being plain mean.”

“I’m sorry, little wolf. I won’t tease you like that if you don’t like it.”

I grinned. “Actually, it’s nice. It makes me feel like we have a real relationship.” I sighed as I snuggled deeper into his side. “No sign of Percy anywhere, huh?”

“We suspect he took advantage of his ties to the Mafia.”

“Oh, I can guarantee that he definitely did that.”

He stroked my hair. “Would you be willing to help Raven and Rynar with that?”

“Will they let me help?”

“I think they need it, Macy. We need to make sure he doesn’t come back to hurt you. We need to protect you.”

I squeezed his hand. “I don’t think he’s coming back, Juriah. He’s lost. He’s running off with his tail between his legs. I don’t even think any pack members have stuck around.”

“Can you sense them?”

“Not really. But then again, I never felt connected with them. I just don’t think they would linger if Percy wasn’t here.”

While it made sense in my head, it did make me worry slightly. Percy had left town. That meant the Baneridge Hounds were no longer around here.

But would they ever come back?

His hand returned to my upper back, as dedicated as ever to providing comfort. “Yeah, I think traveling would be nice.”

“Galanthia and Izdor will be happy to provide us with more glamors if you’re worried about going overseas.”

“Actually, I think we’ll be just fine. I’m nervous about flying though.”

He leaned back. “Why? You fly with me all the time.”

“Oh, that’s different. But I’ve never been inside a plane.”

“I suppose the two of us will be experiencing something new together then.”

I smiled. “That sounds nice.”

“Everything feels nice with you, Macy. Don’t you know that by now?”

“I suppose I do,” I joked. “But I could go for hearing it more often.”

“I’ll tell you as many times as you like.”

And I sure did like the sound of that.

Chapter 24 - Macy

Three Months Later

Hell had no fury quite like a woman pregnant with an Elderling child. My belly stuck out ahead of me, announcing my presence in every room before I got a chance to say hello. Juriah found it useful. I found it irksome.

Boxes sat all over the living room floor. Carpet the color of a clear blue sky decorated the floor up to the point where it reached the kitchen. From there, it was clay tile of varying red shades, cream lines separating each of them. Juriah had insisted on marble counters, and I’d begged him for a large yard.
