Page 62 of Bullied Mate

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She pinched her lips together with a bitter moan, but it was too cute to punish her for that. Seeing her all wound up made me feel the same. And with her, pleasure came in so many forms, especially the ones where I got to tease her relentlessly.

Being a reformed bully had its perks.

Another pump teased my cock into her entrance. I felt her quake around me, twitching with desire as I eased back. As I bent my knees and angled up, I watched my cock disappear again, totally encompassed by her heat, feeling her wetness drip around my shaft as I submerged fully into her.

She fought against my grip. “Fuck.”

I nodded as I rested my forehead against hers. “Fuck, indeed, darling.”

Her warm flesh parted for me whenever I returned. Each pump brought with it a jolt of bliss, the kind that could have gotten me off a million times or more. This was the stuff of wet dreams, and I was more committed to taking my time than ever, so I could savor this.

I wanted to treasure her. I wanted to treasure this moment.

Heat flushed my cheeks and chest as she joined my rhythm, trying her best to bounce on my cock with her hands still pinned to her sides. I loved the fight in her. I loved the way she wanted to give back what she received. Such willingness would always be rewarded with me. She had to know that by now.

I stole her lips, keeping her as stationary as I could manage with my strength, pounding into her as hard as I dared. She took every inch of me, took every thrust like a champion, groans ragged and desperate in ways that made evident her desire for release. But when I eased my grip, she begged for me to hold her down again.

This girl was going to be the end of me in so many ways. And I’d enjoy every second of it.

My pace slowed, but only because I was nearing my completion. I watched her face for signs of her approach, noticing the distinct way her mouth widened into an oval as her head lolled back. A flush of color took her face and then tumbled into her chest. My grip on her wrists tightened as I pounded faster, letting myself go with her, unwinding just as she blossomed.

Undying heat slicked my body much like the sweat that came from our reunion. She gasped and writhed and clawed, making sounds that no one else heard but me. She gave in like this with me. I knew it in the way she did it, in the unabashed stance she took once the desire had died away.

Though it never truly melted from our hearts. Constant thoughts of Galanthia racked my brain, and I found it difficult to function unless she was right next to me. If I could determine a way to combat that, I could get my life back on track.

But that meant letting her go. That wasn’t something I was ready to do just yet.

Especially not now.

She caressed my face, heavy lids guarding some of the resonant light in her eyes. “Will you stay the night?”

I clutched her thighs.

Was that even a good idea?

Chapter 19 - Xavier

“Stay the night,” she whispered. “Please.”

Temptation made it so hard to be a good parent. Then again, this was exactly what I had wanted all my life—to be held and accepted by a woman who could match my energy. Galanthia did that plus some. Right now, the way she peered up at me made me weak.

There wasn’t time for weakness. “How about we take a shower and go from there?”

It wasn’t no, but it wasn’t yes.

I wasn’t sure which way I was allowed to lean. Nobody had interested me like Galanthia, so I didn’t have a plan for how to integrate her into my life. After Jazmin left, I had resolved myself to being a single parent until Leo was old enough to build a life for himself. Honestly, it never really dawned on me till now that I was worth having any kind of happiness.

You deserve to be happy. That was what Galanthia had told me earlier. While helping her to the bathroom, I noticed how her movements were laden with the sensation. Happiness was both purposeful and accidental. And both those things were true of our encounters.

I swatted my hand along the wall until I found the switch. Light bathed the room and revealed the door to the bathroom. Galanthia hobbled along with her arm around my waist and her head resting on my shoulder.

“I’ve never met a man who was my height,” she stated. “Not here.”

“I’m glad we’re the same height or that position would have been hella awkward.”

She grunted and then laughed maniacally. “Hella! What a word!”

Her amusement infected me as I turned the knob for the shower. Cool water sputtered out, soon becoming the comforting hot water that I knew we both needed. Chocolate and flour and plenty of other things stained our skin. We needed to bathe. This was how shifters like me bonded.
