Page 65 of Chosen Wolf

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Everyone here believes they’ll be watching my death. What they don’t know is that Theo is the real threat in this scenario. They all fall in line because of him, he’s been pulling strings since he captured my kind.

“Welcome council members. I’m glad you were all able to come on short notice.” I follow the sound of Theo’s voice to his smug face on the other side of the clearing, and I try to suppress the nausea rolling through my stomach. Everyone starts to make their way to the chairs. Some stare directly at me and some act as if I don’t exist.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about what’s to come.

Theo looks around and frowns before putting on that huge fake smile of his. I’m surprised he switched his expensive suit for something sportier. He’s wearing sweats and is shirtless.

My biggest concern is what will happen if they find out my daughter is a werewolf. Theo’s been around for a long time, they trust him, and I can’t trust that man to protect my daughter.

Is that what Silas was trying to tell me about Ava, that she was the cursed one? Was he actually trying to protect her? Did he know she was a werewolf?

Chapter twenty-nine



I don’t know whether to feel relieved or afraid that I can’t find her anywhere. If she’s here, that means Theo will be using her for his plan, but if she isn’t, I don’t know what these men have done with her.

I briefly look at Theo, and he gives a chilling smile that does nothing to alleviate my nerves. He’s got something up his sleeve, and I know that I won’t like anything he has planned.

“The prophecy states that the woman who gets bit and turns will destroy us,” Theo informs them, but they know exactly what he’s talking about.

So that’s the reason I was being hunted and why shifters weren’t allowed to turn anyone. They were trying to protect their power and themselves. The fact that I have violet eyes just seals the deal for my fate.

“But that isn’t why we’re here today.” As soon as those words leave his mouth, the mood changes and the council members shift uncomfortably.

“What do you mean?” the vampire asks, the seat next to her is still empty—Silas’s seat.

“Detra, where’s Silas?” Theo asks instead.

“How should I know?” Detra responds. “I don’t watch his whereabouts.” The lady sounds irritated, and I briefly wonder if Silas and her have bad blood between them.

Theo’s posture doesn’t change, but I have a slight feeling that he’s annoyed with her response.

“Too bad.” Theo rubs his chin in thought, and I wish I knew what he was thinking.

“You already know,”I tell myself, knowing that’s what my wolf would’ve said if our connection wasn’t numbed.

He intends to kill them all; he wishes Silas was here so he can do the same. He only kept them alive because they were useful to his plans, and now it looks like they’re no longer needed, and that’s when the lycan will strike.

He clears his throat before he begins again. “As I was saying, we’re not here for the reason you all think.” They look at each other baffled. I don’t know how Theo is going to control the council plus their bodyguards unless he has another purple-eyed woman like me he’s holding hostage somewhere and they all decide to take off their sunglasses.

“Theo, I know she is—was—your wife, but she’s a threat to us.” The Faerie woman looks at her peers like they’ll side with her and not Theo.

Then it dawns on me, she actually thinks that Theo is having a change of heart because I was his former wife. These people really don’t know shit about what’s going on. They’re all fucking clueless.

“Actually, Aisling, it has nothing to do with that at all.” My heart races. Will he tell them the truth or will he strike first? Theo will want them to know before he kills them. I’m sure that he could have easily killed them without them knowing, he’s just putting on a show now.

“What the hell are you getting at Theo?” the shifter woman asks. She looks annoyed that she has to be here. “Because, if we didn’t come to kill her then why are we here?”

“Even if she didn’t get turned, we still have to kill her because she can open the portal where our ancestors have locked up the werewolves.” The male Fae speaks up for the first time. I want to argue my case and tell them that I actually have no clue how to do that. That I just got my powers recently.

“And with good reason.” I don’t turn to see who spoke. All my attention is on Theo because he looks suspicious. He’s about to unleash something on them.

“You should punish Theo alongside her. Isn’t that right, Julian.” Aisling looks at the Fae seated next to her. She doesn’t try to say my name, which should irritate me, but it doesn’t. I have other concerns—like watching Theo very closely to see if I can spot his next move. “You should’ve come forward as soon as you found out information on your ex-wife.” They argue with one another about what should’ve been done instead.

This is my chance to escape. While they’re all occupied bickering with one another, I look around to see if I can find an escape, but there’s too many guards standing behind the council members for me to do anything and the sedative I was given has only just begun to fade.
