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It wasn’t just a house; it was our personal slice of paradise where love and laughter echoed in every corner.

The shimmering diamond ring on my finger stood as a testament to our unique bond. The marriage wouldn’t be legal, but our commitment held more weight than any piece of paper ever could.

We planned a spring wedding, not for the world, but for us. Only our immediate families would be in attendance.

Later that evening, as I laid out the Christmas cookies, Bodhi approached with a soft smile, his hand sliding over my round belly. “Can you believe that next Christmas, we’ll be celebrating as parents?” he whispered, his voice full of awe.

Tears welled up in my eyes. “I can’t wait.”

Bodhi kissed my forehead gently. “Thanks for agreeing to head back early so we can spend New Year’s with my family.”

I snuggled up next to him, and his arms instinctively wrapped around me. “Forgiving your brother was the right thing to do. I’m just so glad you two are close again.”

* * *

Christmas morning dawned, frost outlining the windows of the cabin in delicate patterns. I descended the wooden staircase, my slippers softly padding on each step. As I approached the kitchen, I paused at the entrance, taking a moment to soak in the scene before me.

Bodhi, Mason, and Liam, my three pillars of strength, sat confidently around the kitchen table. Despite the early hour, their presence seemed to chase away the shadows, infusing the room with an energy that was distinctly theirs.

Liam shot me a wickedly playful look, sliding a delicately wrapped box across the table toward me. “Morning, sunshine. We got something for you,” he said, his voice smooth and deep, matching the challenging glint in his eyes.

Bodhi shifted in his chair, his penetrating gaze fixed on me, always protective, always sure. “We thought you’d appreciate a little privacy for this one.”

Mason simply motioned to the gift, his anticipation evident. “Go on,” he said, his baritone voice making the simple words sound like an irresistible command.

With slight trepidation, I sat down and carefully unwrapped the box. Inside was a small, ornate key.

I looked up, confused.

“That’s not just any key.” Liam smirked. “It’s the ticket to our new Christmas haven.”

Realization dawned on me. “You mean the cabin next door?”

I’d casually mentioned that the cabin next door was for sale a few months back but never once entertained the thought of actually buying it. That they had taken that offhand comment and turned it into reality was beyond my wildest expectations.

Bodhi, with a firmness that always gave me comfort, pulled me close. “Exactly. We’re expanding our territory, sweetheart. It’s time our growing family had its own Montana retreat.”

Mason leaned forward, resting his chiseled jaw on his hand. “Think of all the memories we’ll make there. Snowball fights, late-night hot chocolates, and Christmas mornings with our little ones running around.”

Bodhi brushed a stray strand of hair from my face, his touch gentle yet assertive. “It’s more than just a cabin, Zoey. It’s our commitment to the life we’re building.”

“And we will even give you control of the remote,” Liam said. “You can watch any holiday movie you want.”

Mason raised an eyebrow challengingly. “That’s going a little too far.”

As the two began their playful banter, Bodhi drew me closer, his lips close to my ear. “Remember, this is just the beginning. We have a lifetime of Christmases, memories, and adventures ahead.”

I gazed at the key, its weight surprisingly heavy for such a small object.

It wasn’t just about the cabin next door. It was about commitment, the promise of a shared future, and the understanding that, no matter where life took us, we’d always have a piece of Montana magic to call our own.

* * *
