Page 13 of Amon

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When the cop got up and walked out of the bar, Amon got up and headed toward the restroom but slipped out the side door. He caught up to the human just as Slater was about to get into his car.

Amon moved fast, stopping just behind the guy. God, the urge to snap the bastard’s neck was riding him hard. Not just because of Sonny, either. Amon could tell that Slater thought he was hot shit, but Amon was going to prove him wrong.

“What the—?” Slater turned, and Amon pinned him against the car. The guy was heavyset and grunted at first before he tried to shove Amon off of him. “Do you know who I am?” Slater snarled.

“Oh, I know exactly who you are,” Amon said in a low and deadly voice. “The guy who keeps harassing Sonny.”

Slater’s eyes narrowed. “I have no idea who you’re talking about, but if you don’t let me go, I’m going to throw you in jail for assaulting a police officer.”

Amon didn’t want that since he didn’t want the sun to rise on him, but Slater wasn’t going to arrest him. The guy was powerless against Amon’s strength. He jerked Slater’s arm behind his back, sending shooting pain up the guy’s arm. “The question you should be asking is, do you know who I am?” Amon asked. “Sonny is off-limits, and if you keep harassing him, I’ll track you down and feed you your own fucking heart.”

Slater’s laugh was quiet but deep. “You don’t scare me, vampire. Yeah, I know who you are or, more to the point, what you are.”

Amon was taken aback. How did Slater know about vampires? “So what’s your grudge against Sonny?”

“He works for you bloodsuckers. He’s a traitor to his own kind.”

Jeez. Like Amon hadn’t heard that before. He was nearly six hundred, and it wasn’t the first time some human was up in arms about another human befriending vampires. Amon called men like Slater purists. They believed humans were the superior race and vampires should be wiped out.

He’d like to see Slater try.

Now Amon saw that Sonny was going to need a bodyguard, and he already had someone in mind. “Go near Sonny again, and I’ll make good on my promise.”

Amon let him go, even though he felt like he was making a mistake by doing so.

Slater turned and tried to punch Amon, but the human was too slow and out of shape. Even if he had been in shape, Amon was too fast for the guy. His swing missed by a mile, causing him to stumble forward before he caught his balance and pulled back.

“If we have to talk again,” Amon promised, “you won’t be walking away.”

As soon as Amon left, he pulled out his phone and dialed the one guy who might help him.


“It’s Amon.”

Stone sighed. “I help one vampire, and now you guys think you can call me when you’re in a pinch?”

“I’ll pay you handsomely to protect someone during the daylight hours.”

“I’m not a damn bodyguard,” Stone said. “I sure as hell ain’t working for a vampire, either.”

Amon cursed. “His name is Sonny, and he’s human.” He told Stone about Slater and the cop’s point of view on anyone preternatural. “I’m not sure if he’s aware that wolf shifters exist, but if he does, I’m betting Sonny isn’t the only one he’s harassing.”

“So kill him,” Stone said. “Problem solved.”

Amon cursed again, only this time he did it internally. “I made a promise that I wouldn’t.” Amon named a price. “I can make it worth your while.”

“Money talks,” Stone finally said after a moment of silence. “But if I get arrested, you’re bailing me out on your dime and paying all my legal fees.”

“Done.” Amon was relieved. He didn’t want Sonny to be a prisoner in his own home, and the guy had to run his errands for the coven. Amon was just relieved that Sonny would have someone as big and deadly as Stone with him. The wolf shifter wouldn’t fuck around when it came to Sonny’s safety, which was exactly what Amon wanted.

“I’ll come by tomorrow to meet him,” Stone said before he hung up.

With that squared away, Amon headed home.

Chapter Four

They hadn’t taken Sonny’s car. He was sitting in the passenger seat of Stone’s large pickup truck, and Sonny had to admit he was impressed. He’d always thought of pickup trucks as vehicles for alpha males but also bare bones. Not the case. There was a touchscreen computer right in the console, and when Stone changed radio stations, he used buttons on the steering wheel.
