Page 23 of Cold Hearted

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I have dreams about her pregnant in my house in Fern Hollow.

I have itbad...but I have to convince her this is casual if I want another taste.

I give it a few days before I text her, waiting until another game she might attend. Finally, I pull out my phone and bring up our chat, which has gone dormant since the summer.

Johnny:Game tonight. You going?

I wait for her to reply, staring at the screen for a good five minutes before I give it up and walk to the kitchen to make some coffee. She probably doesn't give a damn about me; she's gorgeous, accomplished, funny, and whip smart. I get the impression she would rather be single than deal with some airheaded athlete like me.

But she replies.


Birdie:I'm covering it for the paper. I presume you're playing?


Fuck, she's hot. I want to get back with her and let her bully me while I fuck her senseless.

Johnny:Maybe, maybe not. If I see you there, wanna get drinks after?


Please, get drinks with me.

Birdie:Sure, if I don't make other plans.

Johnny:It's a date.

What the hell? It's not a date. I smack myself in the forehead, waiting for her to say something snarky, but she doesn't say anything else. Which...might be even worse.

I have to find a way to charm her.

To fuck her again.

Tokeepher, because I'm addicted.

As soon as I finish my coffee, I head to the gym, determined to clear my head and get my body in shape for Birdie. I lift weights until my muscles burn, then hit the boxing ring to pound out my frustration on the heavy bag. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't even notice when someone steps into the ring with me, throwing a few jabs that I easily dodge.

"What the hell, dude?" I mutter, whirling around to face the guy.


It's one of my teammates, Luke Holden. He's probably the second most promising player on the Pucks, a tall, fair-haired Canadian with a crooked nose. He snickers and gets into a defensive position, stopping my punch.

"Jesus, dude, you were so distracted you didn't even see me or pay attention when I said hello," he laughs.

I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. "Sorry, man. Just got a lot on my mind."

Luke raises an eyebrow. "Is it one of the cheerleaders? Because I've heard some rumors." He grins, clearly enjoying teasing me.

I shrug, not wanting to give him any real information. "Nah, just some girl I met over the summer."

"Sounds serious," Luke says, stepping back to let me take another swing at the bag. "You want to talk about it?"

I shake my head, feeling a flush creeping up my neck. "Nah, man. Just trying to clear my head before the game tonight."

Luke nods, understanding. We both know how important this game is for us, how much pressure we're under to perform. We train in silence for a few minutes, the sound of our fists hitting the bag filling the gym.
