Page 39 of Madame

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I laugh again, turning in my seat to look at her.

That’s when I notice her lingerie. She’s in a royal-blue one-piece that accentuates her hourglass shape and makes her full hips and thick thighs look sexy as hell.

“Damn, Mia,” I say, raking my eyes over her body. “You look fucking hot. They’re going to go nuts.”

She blushes and gives me a sweet smile. “Thanks. Garrett picked it out.”

“He still sends you secret gifts, then?”

“No.Player428does,” she replies, smiling to herself.

“Which is Garrett.”

She laughs. “Yes. But you know…we’re married now. We have to keep that spark going for the rest of our lives.”

“I don’t think you’re going to have that problem, babe. That man is crazy about you.”

Looking contemplative, she nods. “Thanks. I’m crazy about him too.”

After finishing her hair, I wish her luck on her show, and she waves goodbye on her way out of the dressing room. While I’m sitting there alone for a moment, I think about what Mia has with Garrett and what Charlotte has with Emerson, Isabel with Hunter and Drake, and Maggie with Beau. It’s hard not to feel a hint of resentment toward them.

I never wanted what they have.

I had my chance at love fifteen years ago. I picked the wrong guy, jumped headfirst into marriage, and paid the price. One very bad man ruined the entire idea of love for me.

But now…I feel different when Mia talks to me about her and Garrett. I used to be so uninterested; there was never even a shred of jealousy.

So what’s changed?

Why now do I feel like I’m passing up on something amazing by choosing to live alone?

I have Jack. My life is fulfilling. The idea that I need a partner is so…ridiculous.

My phone buzzes with the reminder that it’s almost ten. After some quick finishing touches on my makeup, I put my things away and head out of the dressing room. I stop by the front desk to give the hostess my guests’ names for the night, and then I head to my room.

Jade arrives ten minutes early, knocking on my door with five quick taps. When I open it to greet her, she’s practically bouncing in place, beaming from ear to ear.

“Hi,” she chirps excitedly.

“Come in,” I reply.

“Thank you so much for doing this,” she says as she steps into the room. I close the door behind her, waiting to offer her a drink, but she continues to ramble. “I know you’re really busy, and your time is valuable, but honestly, it’s not like there’s anyone else I can learn this from. I heard you were the best, and I trust that you’re the best. And I promise this has nothing to do with Clay—”

With a wince at the mention of his name, I hold up my hand, and she stops.

“Sorry. I ramble when I’m nervous,” she says meekly.

“I’ve noticed. Would you like something to drink? Maybe a glass of wine to settle your nerves?”

“Yes, please.”

She follows me to the wet bar and watches as I uncork the bottle and pour two glasses. “Do all the rooms have a bar like this?” she asks.

“No,” I reply, handing her her glass. “Just mine and Ronan’s.”


I watch with interest as she presses the glass to her lips, taking a sip of the dark Merlot. I can’t help but wonder if this girl is really Clay’s type. She’s so cute, naive, and oddly wholesome. I have a feeling she’s the kind of wholesome that’s secretly harboring an inner freak. But is this the kind of girl Clay really wants? He needs someone to see past his insecurities. Someone unafraid to cut the bullshit and say it like it is. He needs brutal honesty, not an innocent people pleaser.
