Page 117 of Time with Mr. Silver

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She snorts. “He said a similar thing to a guy who tried it on when we were out once.”

“He’s going up in my estimations. Maybe I’ll give him some extra space to stretch out whilst he’s talking to the worms.”

“Dax.” She laughs.

I smirk. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my sister happy.

And seeing Rose happy.

These two women have got me by the balls, and I’m sure Jasmin knows it.

“We can set something up.” She pulls out her phone and taps out a message as she spins toward the door.

“Sure. Can’t wait,” I mutter as she throws me a look of undisguised delight that she’s finally wearing me down.

I shake my head as she leaves and then walk over to stare out of the large window at the fountain below, shoving my hands into my pockets.

Alistair is working against his own father. And Jasmin is helping him.

I could laugh about it. Throw my head back and really fucking laugh.

We’ve been doing the same thing.

All this time, I’ve been plotting my revenge against that asshole. Yearning for the day I can take Julian Young, and everything he cares about, down. And Jasmin and his own son have been doing the exact same thing. Granted, I doubt Alistair will be as ruthless in his efforts as I am. I doubt he pictures his hands around his dad’s neck, wringing his pathetic soul from his body. But he’s hardly going to win an award for son of the year, either.

Different approaches.

Same outcome.

Alistair might be building his own case against Daddy Dearest. But mine is almost complete.

Two more days.

Forty-eight hours.

My fucking freedom.

And it’s about time.

Chapter 28


“Youstillhuntingforthe right girl?” I grin at Logan as he flops into the chair opposite my desk, scrolling through his phone.

“Nah. Just window shopping.” He turns the screen to me and raises his brows in question. I nod at the picture of the smiley brunette on the dating app, and he looks back at the screen, tilting his head before swiping to save her profile.

“You know those things go purely on looks, don’t you? They’re superficial. You need to meet a person face-to-face to know whether there’s a connection or not.”

He smirks and slides the phone into his suit pants. “What’s wrong with going on looks first? I need to find her attractive enough to want to rail her, otherwise what’s the point?”

I roll my eyes. I can see why Jasmin looks exasperated whenever Logan and his dating life come up in conversation now. It’s like trying to train a dog to meow.

“You can’t tell a person’s attractiveness from one photo. What if they’re really unphotogenic? And what about the energy and vibe they give off in person? You can’t tell any of that from a dating app. Basing everything on looks isn’t going to find you a soulmate.”

“Go on, then.”

“Go on what?” I look up from the paperwork I’m doing. I love the open-door policy the offices have on the estate. But it leaves it far too easy for Logan to slink into my office and distract me from work multiple times a day. He’s so laid back; I’m amazed how he gets any work done some days. But he does. And he doesn’t just get it done. He nails it. The estate events are going from strength to strength, bringing in a huge amount of revenue. I’ve seen the accounts and the figures speak for themselves.
