Page 125 of Time with Mr. Silver

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“Yeah. Fine.” I uncurl my fist that’s on top of the desk and take a slow deep breath in.

“You sure you want to do it, then?”

“Yeah, of course,” I mutter, nodding.

Logan’s been talking about this guy, who’s been anchoring after privately hiring the estate grounds for the day to hold his wedding. I was against it for a long time. But he’s pulled out the big guns and is offering an eye-watering amount. Enough to cover all the lost revenue from when I was inside and the business suffered. It’s enough for the entire staff to retire.

An obscene amount.

But the truth is, I don’t care about the money.

It was when Logan told me that the guy’s fiancée had dreamed of this place since she was a little girl that did it.

The guy said he didn’t give a fuck where he married her, as long as he did. But her heart is set on the estate for some reason, and he wants her to be happy.

Meeting Rose has turned me into a sap. Because if there was something that would make her dreams come true, but I couldn’t get it for her… it would eat away at me.

I told Logan to tell the guy yes.

Spread a little fucking light and positivity.

“All right. I’ll let you know what date they want. We can insist on a premium if it’s peak time.”

“Whatever they want. Just let them pick.”

Logan looks at me like I’ve grown two heads. “O-kay. You sure you’re all right?”

“Never better.” I put my hands onto my thighs beneath my desk and flex them.

It’s the truth. Sort of. I am never better. Because soon this shit I’ve been chained to will all be finished. But tomorrow when it’s all done and over… That’s when I will truly be never better. When I can look into Rose’s trusting eyes and know that I never have to leave her at night again. Never have to crawl back into bed in the early hours of the morning and miss her falling asleep in my arms. Never have to lie to everyone.

And Julian Young will finally be where he belongs.

Dead, or behind bars.

Either way, I don’t care. As long as he’s gone.

“Fine.” Logan stands, sensing he won’t get anything more out of me. “I’ll call him. He’s going to be happy. I told the fucker there wasn’t a hope in hell.”

“Tell him to think of it as a silver lining. Because the amount he’s paying, he could buy the whole fucking sky as well as hell.”

Logan smirks as he heads toward the door. “All right, Boss. Catch you later.”

I stand and walk over to the window. The cottage is sitting behind the treeline, but I can see it from here and make out the front door.

I told Rose I want us to sleep there again tonight. After I get back, that is. It seems right that the first morning we wake up together with it all behind us will be in the cottage. My mind is already full of all the ways I want to show her what she means to me. Starting with in front of the mirror again. But this time, I won’t be saying infinity. I’ll be using other words. Ones I’ve never said to anyone before in my life.

After tonight, it will be done. Time to start over. Time to tell Rose how I really feel.

Time to fucking live again.

Chapter 30


Iwringmyhandsin front of my body and then give up and wrap my arms around myself instead.

I can’t stop shaking.
