Page 131 of Time with Mr. Silver

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“We’ve got company,” I hiss.

She murmurs beneath my palm, panic flashing in her eyes as the sound of another vehicle approaching grows louder.

“You need to stay here. Don’t come out. Let me deal with it.”


I force my lips against hers in a kiss to silence her. “Don’t let them see you, Sunbeam. Please don’t fucking let them see you.” I kiss her again, squeezing my eyes shut before I turn and walk away without looking back.

As I reach the edge of the container, there are three voices. Julian’s and two other males’. They’re already out of their black SUV and standing next to the open door of Rose’s Range Rover.

Fuck. This isn’t how it was supposed to go down. They were supposed to turn up while I was out of sight. I would have had the element of surprise. I know which container they’ll check first. The one with the diamonds. Because as I’ve learned, Julian sneaky-prick Young isn’t content with only supplying street drugs to a quarter of the country. He wants to get his filthy hands on blood diamonds too. The greed of this man is unbelievable.

And Jasmin still wants to believe Alistair is different. The tail I’ve put on him will uncover it soon, if he is as dirty as his father.

“Well, well.” Julian sneers with a laugh as he looks at the logo on the Range Rover. “Tonight will be better than I expected.”

I stay pressed up to the container as I peer around the corner of it.

Open the diamond container, asshole.

It’s all I need. Him to open it. Show that he knows the combination of the lock. The final piece of evidence. The nail in the coffin that I’ve been building for nine months. He needs to be caught red-handed. The one final action that will signal the end of him. And Ineedto see it. It’s why I’m here.

But then, Rose….

Julian runs his hand over the hood of the car.

Of course, the prick isn’t going to grant me the satisfaction of making it simple. Not now he’s seen the logo.

He knows I’m here.

And if he hasn’t worked out by the sight of the car that I’m one of the two guys from his payroll he was expecting to meet tonight that took the delivery in, then he’s not as smart as I’ve been giving him credit for. There’s no welcoming party here for him. No trusted members of his operation, like he was expecting.

It’s just me.

And he knows it.

“Aren’t you going to come out and play, Silver?”

Fuck. How do I do this? Why can’t he just open the fucking container? My heart pounds up into my throat as Julian laughs again.

“Wasn’t one warning enough? You want to know what I do to squealing little pigs?” He looks side to side around the yard, his dark eyes almost black and seeming even darker against his blond hair. He nods to one of his henchmen, who disappears from sight. “I string them up and bleed them out. Let them be a lesson to everyone. But with you, Dax...”

Rage boils inside me at the easy way he says my name.

“With you, I’d have some fun first. Maybe give you a matching scar to that one on your back. You won’t need your kidneys when my boys here throw you into the sea for the fish to pick apart.”

I press my back into the container and glance at Rose at the other end. Her eyes are wide and shining from where she’s standing, rooted to the spot I left her in, realization dawning in them at the small part of that story I omitted when she first saw my scar.

Julian Young paid someone to try and murder me while I was in jail. I always suspected he was behind me getting stabbed. Now he’s confirmed it.

“But I’m not a monster,” Julian continues. “I’ll let you watch me with your girlfriend first. See if she screams louder for me than she does for you.”

Rage floods my veins like lava and my chest swells as every muscle in it tenses.

Rose shakes her head at me and clamps her hand over her mouth. She wants to run to me. I can see it in her eyes. They’re pleading with me. But I can’t walk out of here with her. Not until it’s finished. He’ll come for me. He’ll come for her. And that’s the only thing I care about.

