Page 133 of Time with Mr. Silver

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Rose cries out as Gold Tooth pushes the gun harder against her skull.

“Let her go!” I roar.

She drags in shaky breaths, her lips trembling as she blinks at me with shining eyes. The tip of the gun is pressed deeper into her skin.

“Every sunrise,” she whispers.

“No!” I shake my head, my eyes burning as I stare into her pure, light blue ones. “No. Don’t say it like you’re fucking leaving me. You’re not fucking leaving me!”

She can’t. She’s all I want. I’ll forget about revenge this second.Dear God, are you listening? I don’t need anything, apart from her.Not one damn thing.

Julian laughs behind me. “Bring her here first. I’ve got something for her.”

Gold Tooth places the safety back on the gun and marches Rose toward the Range Rover. She struggles to keep up and loses her footing, so he drags her the rest of the way.

Julian’s other thug has a gun pointed at me. He’ll shoot me before I even make it halfway to Rose.

My mouth goes dry as they reach the hood of the Range Rover and Gold Tooth throws Rose down onto it face-first. He’s restrained her hands behind her back with a cable tie.

“Uh-uh.” Julian walks over to her and strokes her hair, turning her head to the side so that she’s facing me. “I want you to look at him. I want him to see the moment your eyes widen as you get your first feel of a real man’s cock inside you.”

Rose cries out, but Julian smacks her head against the hood, pressing down hard and holding her there as he reaches for his belt with his other hand.

I’d rather die, have my brains blown across this filthy dockyard for the gulls to eat than stand by a second longer while his hands are on her.

I lurch forward, a microsecond before a shot fires out, making my ears ring and my head pound. I don’t look to see if I’m hit. I just know I’m still moving. I’m not dead. I can still get to her.

Julian’s loosened pants have him off guard, unable to reach for his own gun that I’m sure he must have. And it gives me valuable moments to reach him, shoving him away from Rose and pushing her across the hood behind me. I still have one arm on her as he turns to me, so I act on instinct, rearing back and headbutting him square in the face.

“Fuck!” His hands fly to his face, and I grab the gun attached to his belt and point it at his other guy, who’s standing staring at the lifeless body of Gold Tooth, bleeding out on the floor.

“Your gun!” I shout. “Throw it! Now!”

He reaches into his belt, his eyes coming back to mine as he drops the black metal to the floor and kicks it across the floor, away from himself.

I turn the gun back onto Julian, who’s wiping at the blood pouring down over his lips. The whites of his eyes shine as he stares down the barrel at me. I’ve dreamed of this moment. Revelled in the feeling of standing here, with him at my mercy, knowing I have the power over him, finally. The power to destroy him. To take everything from him.


Rose has stood from the hood, and her voice is shaking. I glance to the side. Her hair is matted, her makeup smudged beneath her eyes.

“Don’t do it. This isn’t you.”

I move so that I can wrap my other arm around her waist and hold her into my side.

“You okay?”

I kiss her hair, inhaling deeply.

Vanilla and petals.

My grip loosens on the gun, then I tighten it again and look back at Julian as I take the safety off.

“I’m fine.” She leans into my side. It’s all she can do with her hands bound like a fucking prisoner.

“Close your eyes, Sunbeam. Then it’ll all be over.”

I kiss her head again as she buries her face into my neck.
