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Beside me is a man with hidden depths so dark I can never hope to understand them. Every curve of ink on his skin tells a story. A story about a man who loves his sister fiercely. A workaholic who has fought to keep a business afloat when people turned their backs on him. A man who has spent time away… locked behind bars…caged.

Who are you really, Dax Silver?

“Okay.” I whisper. “I promise you.”

“I think you’ll love it. I’ve heard it’s not gruesome, but it’s jumpy. You’ll totally shit your pants.” Casey laughs as I prop my phone up on the sofa and grab the remote.

Her green face fills the screen. It’s face mask and movie night. Something we used to always do when I was at home. Although, it’s face mask and movieafternoonfor her with the time difference.

I grab my bowl of popcorn and pull my legs up underneath me as I get cozy. The estate cottage has a comfy sofa. It’s a corner one covered in cushions and a big old fleecy throw blanket. Jasmin said they usually rent the cottage out for short-term holiday rentals, but when Dax gave me the temporary job, he said I should use it. Maybe he thought I would feel like a fish out of water being so far away from home by myself. Whatever his reasons, I’m glad. I’m getting used to the weird nighttime noises and having my own space. I mean, I love Mom, but how many twenty-five-year-olds still live at home? After Brett’s accident, I wanted to be there with him. Before I realized, it had become too hard to leave. Even though now I’m thinking leaving was the best thing I did. For me. For everyone.

I flick the TV on.

“I’ve missed this.” I smile at Casey’s face on the screen.

She wraps her own blanket tighter around herself. “Me too.”

This is good. It’s not the same as her being here, but it’s still so good to see her face and hear her voice. She’s been filling me in on the new guy she’s started dating. She’s been single for years. Up until now, she’s been adamant she doesn’t want to be in a relationship, being on the verge of tears if anyone ever pushed the subject. She never explained why, besides saying who needs a man when you have friends. And I didn’t push it any further because it made her so upset. Maybe me moving away has given her the time to finally date—we were almost inseparable. Whatever the reason is, I’m happy for her.

“Oh, what?” I groan as the TV screen freezes and then goes blank. I flick it back on again and the same thing happens, leaving me staring at a black screen. “Hold on,” I say to Casey, getting up and checking the plugs. I switch them off, then on again, but the stupid thing does the same again.

“You aren’t on some middle-of-nowhere meter there, are you? One you have to put coins in or crank up?” Casey laughs.

“No.” I sigh, flopping down onto the sofa.

“Can Jasmin help? Maybe it’s happened before.”

I grab my phone. “I’ll text her and ask.”

Me: Hey. The TV in the cottage keeps shutting off. Do you know if it’s done it before?

Jasmin: Strange… it’s usually fine. Don’t worry, I’ll sort it.

Me: Don’t come all this way for that. It doesn’t matter.

There’s a delay before her reply comes in.

Jasmin: Not me, I’m at the hairdresser’s. And I’ve already messaged him. He’s on his way.

Me: Logan?

Jasmin: Dax.


“Case? I’m going to have to go.” I jump up off the sofa and take the stairs two at a time up to the bathroom. “I’ll call you back if it’s working again soon, okay?”


“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.” She smiles. “I just miss you, that’s all. Speak to you later.”

“Yeah, later.” I smile back. “Case?”


“Sandbox to casket.”
