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“What? No.”But… it would explain the bruised knuckles.“I don’t know what happened. And it’s none of my business what he gets up to after work.”

“Yet here you are.”

“It was your idea.” I scowl.

She laughs. “Relax. I’m kidding. You’re not doing anything wrong. If he sees you, just say you were taking a drive to look at the countryside.”

I look out of the Range Rover’s windshield. Jasmin said I could borrow one whenever I wanted, but I checked anyway, and she said it was fine. She’s off on some massage course or something that she wanted to do tonight. And Logan is on another date. So I don’t need to worry about either of them seeing me parked up behind the trees at the turn off for the cottage staking out the main house like a crazed stalker.

“You can just see where he goes and then go home. You want to know he’s safe, don’t you?”

I suck my bottom lip into my mouth and chew on it. She’s right. I want to know he’s safe. Yesterday could have been much worse. If he is going to some fight club to let his anger out, then it could all get ugly. He said the night he beat that guy up who tried it on with Jasmin he lost his head. What if someone else loses their head and takes it out on Dax? I’m sure he can hold his own. I felt just how thick and solid his biceps were yesterday when I was admiring his tattoos. But still. What if some of these guys he might be meeting are actual psychopaths?

“You don’t think he really could be mixed up in something?” My stomach churns. “You know? Like something illegal?” But even as I say the words, I can’t bring myself to believe them.

“Why would you say that? Because he’s been in jail?”

“No... I…” I stare at the estate’s main gate. “When I spoke to Jasmin earlier, she said Dax told her he’d done it at the gym, going too hard on the punch bag. He said it swung back at him.”

“I mean, it could be true,” Casey says.

I shake my head, looking at the phone screen. “It’s not. He would have come home in his gym gear. He was in his suit.”

“He might have showered at the gym.”

“He had blood splatters on his shirt.”

Casey’s brows shoot up. “Check you out, Detective. I’m impressed.”

I give her a small smile.

“Whatever it is, Ro, even if he lied to his sister, it doesn’t mean anything. People have secrets. Some have really bad ones. But it doesn’t make them bad people for lying to those they love. They just don’t want to hurt them.”

I wrinkle up my nose as she watches me.

“I don’t know. A lie is still a lie. Why not be honest? Deal with it together?”

Casey rolls her lips and blinks a few times. “I guess. I mean—”

“He’s coming,” I gasp, immediately lowering my voice as his Range Rover glides gracefully down the driveway and toward the main gate.

“Go,” Casey urges. “Go put your mind at ease. And then call me as soon as you get back.”

I nod, my gaze darting back to the Range Rover as it goes through the now open gate.

“I will. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

I hit end call and wait until the Range Rover turns right onto the road.

Then I follow it.

The road ahead is empty as I exit the estate and turn right. I drive to the first bend, taking it slowly. I’m not used to the roads here in England. They’re all so narrow and bendy. And the grass banks either side of the road are higher than the Range Rover’s roof.

I hit the brakes as I round the corner.

A few meters ahead, there’s a small passing place where the road widens. And in it, Dax’s Range Rover.
