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My skin prickles with irritation. “Go away!”

I’ve been inside awhile.Why hasn’t he left yet?

“Open the door before I break it down!”

I stomp downstairs to the door and rip it open so hard it’s a miracle it stays on its hinges.

“What?” I spit.

His eyes drop over my outfit and darken. “You’re serious? You’re actually going back out?”

“What if I am? It has nothing to do with you.” I’m trembling with anger, my fingertips pulsing by my sides.

“Don’t go.” Dax’s voice drops to a deep rumble, and the shine in his eyes makes my chest tighten. “Don’t go back out tonight. Don’t let another man touch you. Not tonight. Not ever. The thought is driving me fuckingwild. Please…”

He sucks in a breath, looking to the sky with rapid blinks.

“I’m going to lose my fucking mind here, Rose.” He brings his eyes back to mine, and my breath stalls as he looks so deeply into mine it makes my head spin.

“Why are you doing this?” I grasp the door frame for support, my stomach clenching. “One minute your life is too fucked up. The next you’re fake-kissing me and buying me lap dances and telling me you think about me when you’re in bed at night. What do youwantfrom me?”

“It wasn’t fake… The kiss. Nothing with you has ever been fake.” He screws his face up, pressing a thumb and finger into his eyes. “But I’m involved in some serious stuff. Stuff that you shouldn’t be anywhere near. You’re too good for any of it.”

Here we go again.I roll my eyes and step back inside, grabbing hold of the door. “Goodnight, Dax.”

“Wait.” He puts his foot inside the frame and pushes it back open. “Wait.”

The two of us stand, breathing hard, staring at each other.

Light blue meets deep brown once again.

Then his gaze drops to my mouth.

“Come here,” he growls.

He closes the distance in one stride, grabbing my face in his hands and backing me up against the wall before crashing his lips onto mine.

I’m pinned in place by his hard body, heat radiating from it as he angles my face and kisses me with a force that makes my knees buckle. If it weren’t for being pressed so tightly against him, I would be a puddle on the floor.

He groans from deep in his chest as he coaxes my lips apart. He slides his tongue inside my mouth, licking, sucking, and stroking me into oblivion. I should push him away. Tell him that I’m not letting him mess with my head anymore.

But I can’t.

Every nerve ending in my body is alive for the first time in my life, energy racing through my bloodstream as he groans into my mouth and nips at my lips with his teeth before sinking into the kiss again.

He slides his hands back from my cheeks and threads his fingers into my hair, his voice sliding over me. “Touch me, Rose. I need to feel your hands on me. Show me I’m not the only one in this.”

He opens his eyes and the hint of vulnerability he hides so well is there. It breaks any lingering resolve I’m gripping on to. With him, it’s lost. I have a pull to him that I can’t explain. It’s not logical. But it’s all-consuming, and despite the hot and cold signals he gives me, I can’t fight it any longer.

“You’re not…” I pant, our lips grazing each other’s. “You’re not alone. I’m right here with you.”

Then I slide my hands up over his chest, wrapping them around the back of his neck and pull him to me.

I kiss him back with everything, pouring out all my frustrations, all my energy I’ve spent fighting with him. I kiss him until I’m moaning into his mouth and arching away from the wall to get closer to him.

And he matches me, stroke for stroke, moan for moan, breath for breath, until I swear a part of each of us will always be fused with the other.

If a kiss ever had the power to end the world. Then this is it right here.
