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I roll onto my side in bed as he comes out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist, water droplets glistening on his skin like crystals.

“What time’s your meeting?”

He rubs another towel over his hair as he comes over to the bed to kiss me.

“Not until nine. But I need to do something first.”

I frown as he breaks the kiss and walks back into the bathroom. It’s 7 AM. Where does he need to go this early?

Seven o’clock. That means it’s still the middle of the night in New York.


“Rose?” he calls back, making me smile.

“Can I get my phone?”

I gave it to him last night, and getting it back was the last thing on my mind. But like I said to Dax about my dream last night, and not thinking about it until sunrise… well, my brain must have been taking notes, because now all I can think about is how many messages Casey will have left me. Because I know she won’t have stopped trying to reach me.Sandbox to casket.

I screw my eyes up and take a deep breath as a pang of pain slices through my chest.

“Sure. It’s in my jacket.”

I slide out of bed and grab Dax’s black hoodie that I still have and pull it on as I walk over to where he discarded his jacket last night. I reach into the pocket and pull out the phone.

Marcus: Everything’s set. I’ve got the plans and the gear. These fuckers aren’t going to know what’s hit them.

I read the message again. And then a third time.

I should put the phone back. I should have put it back the second I saw it was Dax’s and not mine.

Plans and gear?

“I like you in my clothes. You look cute.”

I drop the phone back inside Dax’s jacket pocket in a flash as he walks out of the bathroom dressed in his black suit pants and shirt from last night with the sleeves rolled up.

I lift my eyes to the large mirror as he walks up behind me and sweeps my hair away from my neck so he can kiss it while he looks at me in the reflection.

“So fucking cute,” he growls, sliding his hands up my thighs and lifting the bottom of the hoodie, smiling as he sees I’m bare underneath it. “How the fuck am I supposed to get anything done at work now, seeing you and knowing what’s underneath all those sexy little skirts you wear.”

I lean back against his chest, tilting my neck to the side so he can deepen his kisses against it. “The same way I’ll get things done knowing what’s underneath yours.”

“Under my sexy little skirts?” He arches a brow, and I giggle. “Right.” He kisses my neck one final time and drops the hem of the hoodie so it covers me up. “I won’t be long.”

“Where are you going?” I turn as he reaches the bedroom door.

He smiles. “I won’t be long.” He pulls his jacket on and then reaches into the pocket. “Here.” He strides back over and hands me my phone, then holds my face and kisses me on the lips. “Stay naked underneath this until I get back.”

I bite my lip, and he chuckles as he leaves. Then the car engine roars to life outside.

I walk over to the bed and fall back onto it with a huff. What’s he even doing at this time in the morning? Maybe he’s gone back to the main house for a change of clothes before his meeting. But then why would he come back here after? And why would he tell me to stay naked?

I turn my phone on and gnaw on my lip as it springs to life.

Fifty-three text messages. Seventeen voicemails.


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