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Chapter 23


“It’samazing!”Roseleanscloser, inspecting the back of Jasmin’s neck. “Why didn’t you tell me you could do them?” She turns to me with a grin as Jasmin lets her hair fall back down around her shoulders, covering the script tattoo at the base of her neck.

It’s a J and an A, fused around each other. J after our mom, Jessica; A after our dad, Adam. Jasmin asked me to do it for her the week after I was released from jail.

“What other talents do you have?” Rose comes over and slides onto my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. We’re sharing an after-work drink in my apartment.

“Pretty sure you’ve been experiencing all Dax’s talents for a few weeks now.” Logan laughs before I fire a cushion at him, hitting him in the head.

Jasmin rolls her eyes with a smirk. “Do men ever mature?”

“Nope,” Logan quips, looking pleased with himself, as Rose and Jasmin laugh.

“Speak for yourself.” I chuckle as I absentmindedly stroke Rose’s legs, my palm slipping over her silky skin fluidly. She looks at me, her eyes glittering, and I narrow mine back with a smirk.

Do you want my cock again already, Sunbeam?I mouth to her.

Her eyes widen and her lips part in surprise before she pushes me in the chest and glances guiltily at Jasmin and Logan who are busy chatting with their drinks on the other sofa.

I chuckle, grasping the back of her neck and pulling her to me for a kiss. “Relax. They know I can’t keep my hands off you. I can ask them to leave now if you like. Get you straddling me in this tiny little thing you call a skirt.”

“We can hear you!” Logan calls seconds before the pillow I hit him with earlier flies back over and crashes into the sofa next to my head.

“Fuck off, Logan,” I grunt.

Rose giggles against my lips and straightens up, turning back around.

“That’s nice, isn’t it? Telling your friend who picked your jailbird ass up on release day with a cheeseburger meal in hand to fuck off,” Logan quips.

“You already ate half the fries,” I scoff.

“You were late, and I’d skipped breakfast. Besides, I figured you’d be watching your waistline after all the Michelin dining you’d been getting for free.”

“Jerk,” I mutter with a chuckle as Logan winks at me.

I pat Rose’s thigh and she slides off my lap and onto the sofa next to me so that I can get myself another drink. Jasmin, Logan, and I used to do this a lot. Just chill in my apartment at the end of the week. But ever since I came out and had other things to attend to, we stopped. Tonight was Rose’s idea. I’m meant to be somewhere else. But they can cope without me for an hour.

I pour a shot of Aunt Iris’s blend, tipping the bottle to Jasmin, who shakes her head. Logan and Rose’s glasses are still half full.

“Seth and Trevor called earlier,” Logan pipes up as he stretches his arms back behind his head. “They said conditions look good this weekend if anyone wants to go up with them in the balloon.”

Rose looks at me, and the way her eyes light up makes my heart swell.

“I have to do some work tomorrow. But you go if I’m not back in time.”

“Are you sure?”

I smile and nod. Of course, I’d rather be there with her, watching the way her face relaxes as she breathes in the air and gazes at the clouds. But knowing she’s happy and enjoying herself will have to be enough. There’s a giant shipment coming in soon, and I have to get everything prepared.

“Yeah, they’re cool guys. They said it’s last-minute again. But they thought it might work.”

“Again?” Rose looks at Logan with a frown, and his mouth drops open as he runs his hand around the back of his neck. “I thought the flight on the open day was booked months ago?”

I catch eyes with Logan who shrugs apologetically as I sip my drink and lean back against the sideboard, crossing my feet at the ankle.

Rose darts her eyes between the two of us as Jasmin stands and smiles.
