Page 43 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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“Come on, come, on,” I urge.

I close the door, even though there’s no sign of Maddy in the hallway. To say she was less than pleased that I checked her into the hotel’s penthouse with me would be an understatement. But I won the argument because her office wasn’t expecting us to return to Milan, so they hadn’t booked her a room. Plus, I told her they were all booked out. Which could be true. I never bothered to find out. If she stays with me, I can keep an eye on her, like I promised Drew.



“Logan.” There’s a warmth in her voice. “It’s been a while. How are you?”

“Good. All good.” I walk over to the floor-to-ceiling windows and move the thin drapes so I can look out at the city. The evening lights are making the streets glow a warm yellow. “How are you?”

She blows out a breath with a soft laugh. “Getting used to being back in London.”

“I guess it’s a change from field hospitals.”

“You can say that again. It’s nice to spend more time with Dad, though. I can’t get this crazy idea about you and me out of his head.”

I drop my head back and look at the ceiling. The muscles in my shoulders and back loosen with my relieved laugh. “Yeah. What the hell is that all about?”

“I know.” Gabrielle laughs too. “You think our dads had a weird age-related epiphany and decided to drag us into it? They should have gotten a new sports car or something.”

“Or something.”

“You’re not worried about it, are you?”

I reach up and tug at the collar of my tuxedo shirt. “No, I mean, not really.”

“Good, there’s no need. I bet it was my father’s idea. He comes up with these hair-brained schemes all the time. Remember when we were kids and he sent me to those boring finishing classes, convinced I was going to marry into the royal family one day?”

“I thought there was something wrong with your pinkie whenever you drank.”

“Exactly.” She sighs. “It’s just another silly idea. I think Dad has it in his head since losing Mum that he needs to make sure I’m settled. He worries about the future more than he used to.”

“Mm.” Gabrielle lost her Mum to cancer a few of years ago, and I’ve noticed when Spencer visits Dad, he’s a lot more reserved than he used to be. Lacking some of the energy he once had.

“Dad said you’re in Italy?”

“Yeah. Meeting with investors.”

“This new project sounds exciting. Let’s meet up when you get back. We can make a united front and crush our fathers’ matchmaking dreams together.” Gabrielle laughs.

“That’s a meeting I’m looking forward to.”

Gabrielle is right. This stupid wedding idea would never happen, and hearing her say it out loud, and being so unfazed settles the niggle of unease that’s been lurking in my gut since leaving London.

She’s not worried. So I am no longer even the tiniest bit concerned.

My smile widens as she says goodbye.

Another call comes through my phone within seconds.


“You sound even happier than usual. You’ve not got company, have you?”

My lips curls down as I sit on the end of the bed. “Like I’d answer a call and speak to you if I did. Way to make a guy’s dick shrivel.”

“I don’t want to think about your dick,” Drew says.
