Page 83 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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“It was great to meet you, Maddox. I’m so sorry to cut this short.”

“It’s no problem,” I answer truthfully, already thinking about calling Chloe and dissecting this meeting word for word with her. “Thank you so much for taking the time to meet me.”

Nate lets go of my hand but keeps his eyes on mine. “It was a pleasure.”

Pleasure.A ripple of something unexpected dances through me at the word, warming the blood in my veins.

I wait until Nate leaves before I fall back into my seat and turn my recorder off. I asked the questions Eve wanted and a couple of my own, too, so I’d call the interview a success. My first proper interview. Unless you count Logan. But I’m not counting him. I didn’t get nervous before interviewing him like I did with Nate.

I pour another glass of sparkling water, drinking half of it before I scribble down notes in my pad. A server comes over, asking if I’d like to order any food. I decline, and as he walks away. My eyes land on a familiar suit at the bar. Navy-blue jacket leading to light brown hair, an air of what I used to think was arrogance, but the past few weeks have taught me it’s really the cool confidence that comes with being brilliant at what you do and being comfortable in your own skin.


The bubbles from the water fizz in my stomach in one giant burst of energy like flapping wings as I stand. I admire the neat trim of his hair around the sides. He’s had it cut since we came back.

I gather up my recorder and notepad, tossing them into my purse, but when I look up again, Logan’s been joined by a woman with long, light blonde hair.


I fall back into my seat as she kisses him on both cheeks. He smiles at her as she sits next to him at the bar. I’ve only met her twice, but I’d recognize her anywhere. She has an ethereal beauty. I don’t think she walks anywhere. She glides. And she’s a doctor, or surgeon, working for the United Nations in war zones and on aid projects. Basically, she’s a saint. Her hair’s probably bright blonde because there’s a halo hidden beneath the strands lighting it up.

The two chat for the next few minutes. I can’t move or look away. I stepped off the plane from Italy telling Logan we needed to forget about what happened between us.

Yet, I can’t look away.

Why can’t I look away?

From the angle I’m sitting, I can only see Gabrielle’s face, not Logan’s. She seems upset about something, and Logan reaches across the bar to hold her hand. I drop my eyes away like I’m interrupting a private moment and take deep breaths to quell a ball of nausea in my gut.

Less than a second passes before I’m staring at them both again.

Gabrielle stands and embraces Logan. Then she kisses him. My hand tightens around the strap of my purse. She pulls back, looking at him with a starry-eyed expression.

I jump to my feet, needing air. I’ve been sitting too long. I need to get out of here. His life is none of my business now. It never has been.

I stride across the bar, too far away for them to notice me. He has his back in my direction anyway, and Gabrielle is—I snap my eyes away as she kisses him again, her hand wrapped around his shoulder—pre-occupied by Logan’s lips.

My pace increases until I spill out of the hotel and onto the street. I gasp, sucking in deep breaths of air. Then I snatch my phone from out of my purse and dial Chloe.

“Hey. How was the interv—?”

“I need to get drunk.”



I smooth down my green fitted dress, then reach up and yank out my hair clip, shaking out my curls. I’m grateful I’m wearing something that can easily go from work to bar, because God knows I need a drink.

“Say no more,” Chloe sings. “Girls’ cocktail night, here we come.”

Chapter 23


ItoldtheboysI wanted to come somewhere different tonight. Not our usual bars or clubs where I could see people I know.

“This place have good whiskey?” Tanner asks as we stretch back in a VIP booth near the dancefloor.
