Page 95 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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“I know.”

“And you wanted him to?”

His brows pull together as he studies my reaction. The underlying question in his tone makes bile rise in my throat.


He nods, relief softening his clenched jaw. He doesn’t really think Logan would do anything without my permission. The fact he’s even hinted at it has my heart seizing painfully. No matter what I’ve thought of Logan in the past, he doesn’t deserve anyone to think that about him, even for a split second. Especially his best friend.

“Have you always had a thing for him?”

“What? Of course not.”

Drew’s expression is grim as he takes a large gulp from his mug. “You just decided to fuck my friend behind my back for fun, then?”

“It wasn’t like that.”

“You don’t like Logan. That’s what you’ve always told me.”

“I didn’t like him… I mean, I don’t like him.”

“Come on, Maddy. Lie to yourself if you must, but don’t lie to me.”

It’s no use trying to reason with Drew when he’s like this or try to explain to him. He’s always been hot-headed. It’s why he got in so much trouble when he was younger. He’s a joker when he wants to be. But when he’s serious, he’s as intimidating as a gun to your temple with the safety off.

“It’s bad enough that he…” His eyes drop over my body in my T-shirt and joggers before he rips them away with a hiss. “… with mysister. But you both lied about it.”

“It was never supposed to happen again. It was a moment of madness.” I stare into my cup like the answer to ending this awkward conversation immediately is held there.

“Were you both drinking one night in Italy? Is that how? Just the one time… Fuck, I don’t want to know.” Drew puts his cup down and tips his head back with a groan as he folds his giant biceps across his chest.

I shake my head, my voice quiet. “More than once.”

“More?” Drew’s eyes narrow.

I drop my eyes from his.

“Twice?” he growls.

“I lost count,” I confess, squeezing my eyes shut as he curses.

“Are you in love with him?”


“Is he in love with you?”

“No!” I put my mug down and scrub my hands down my cheeks. “God, I can’t believe we’re having this conversation. What’s next? You going to march us down to the church and make us get married because we had sex?”

He snorts. “You’ll have to join the queue. Logan’s in demand. I’m almost jealous of the lying fucker.”

I drop my head, pressure building behind my eyes.

“Maddy.” Drew’s voice softens, but he still sounds exasperated. “You’re my sister. It’s my job to look out for you. And he’s supposed to be my friend. He has no right to touch you. He should be looking out for you too, the way he always hasfor me.”

“What do you mean,for you?”

Guilt flickers in his eyes and he clears his throat.
