Page 93 of Puck Happens

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“I’ll do it myself,” she said, her hand sliding down her taut belly.

I knew when I was beat. As much as I’d love watching her get herself off, I needed to be inside of her.

“Okay, honey, let me get a condom and I’ll take you for a ride.” I climbed off the bed to get the condoms I’d left in my kit bag from our weekend together. “Roll over on to your belly, babe. I want to take you that way, fill you up nice and tight, yeah?”


I stopped halfway to the bathroom door and turned back.

“I’m on the pill,” she said quietly. “If you’re clean…”

I was clean. The entire team was tested at the beginning of every season, with a firm reminder from the team doctor to wrap it up if we were going to get some strange on the road.


“Only if you want to. I’m clean, too. There hasn’t been anyone since-”

“Don’t fucking say his name,” I said a little too harshly, because she flinched. “Not when you’re naked in my bed. He’s gone. He never existed. You’re mine while you’re in that bed.”

She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Okay, Hulk.”

I was tempted to lift her up off that mattress. Throw her over my shoulder and slap her ass, showing her how much of a Hulk I could be. Except picking her up would freak her out because that dickhead dropped her.

It wouldn’t matter how many times she told me it wasn’t his fault. In my head, it was always going to be his fault. She put herself in his hands and he hadn’t done enough to protect her.

But enough about him.

I stalked back to the side of the bed. “Roll over.”

She turned like a cat in the sun, all lazy stretching. Her back arched, her arms under the pillow, her head turned to the side, to watch me. My cock was hard as fuck, but still I took it in my hand to stroke it, like I needed to communicate to it, its responsibility. This woman was going to let us come inside, no barrier. No protection. Because she trusted me. It was heady stuff, and again, unlike any sex I’d ever had.

I’d never not used a condom. But goddamn, I didn’t want to use one now. I wanted to push inside her and know what it felt like to feel her on the skin of my dick. I wanted to pump inside her wet heat and feel every twitch of muscle inside of her.

But mostly I wanted to come deep inside her. Fill her up with my cum so I would always be planted there. Deep.

I wanted to get her pregnant.

The thought shook me. It also made me squirt precum over my knuckles. I had to squeeze my dick hard enough to stop myself from coming, which wasn’t easy when Liv reached out and swiped her thumb over the head of my cock. Taking that drop of cum and sucking it into her mouth.

I climbed on the bed, knelt between her thighs.

“Spread them,” I said. When she didn’t immediately comply, I smacked her ass. “More.”

I braced my hand by her waist and cocked my hips to the right angle. I thumped my dick against her ass and thought maybe someday she’d let me take her there, too. It would take a lot of time to get her ready, but fuck, that would be hot.

There won’t be time. She’s leaving soon.

I shoved that thought away and I lifted her hips with my big hands and slid home hard, deep inside of her.

Hot. Wet. Perfect. When I died, heaven was going to be my naked dick in Liv’s pussy.

She screamed, the sound muffled by the pillow. I pulled the pillow out from under her head and stuffed it under her pussy. “No, Liv, I want to hear it. Every sound. You tell me when I’ve got the pillow right on your clit.”

I shifted the pillow underneath her, felt her wiggling beneath me, getting the pillow right where she needed it.

Fuck me, I wasn’t going to last. I was raw and balls deep inside her. It felt like my head was going to explode.

“Ooh, there, there,” she crooned.
